All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
static Element |
_attr_getOwnerElement(DomImpl.Dom a) |
static boolean |
_attr_getSpecified(DomImpl.Dom a) |
static int |
_attributes_getLength(DomImpl.Dom e) |
static Node |
_attributes_getNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Node |
_attributes_getNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static Node |
_attributes_item(DomImpl.Dom e,
int index) |
static Node |
_attributes_removeNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Node |
_attributes_removeNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static Node |
_attributes_setNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
Node attr) |
static Node |
_attributes_setNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
Node attr) |
static void |
_characterData_appendData(DomImpl.Dom cd,
String arg) |
static void |
_characterData_deleteData(DomImpl.Dom c,
int offset,
int count) |
static String |
_characterData_getData(DomImpl.Dom c) |
static int |
_characterData_getLength(DomImpl.Dom c) |
static void |
_characterData_insertData(DomImpl.Dom c,
int offset,
String arg) |
static void |
_characterData_replaceData(DomImpl.Dom c,
int offset,
int count,
String arg) |
static void |
_characterData_setData(DomImpl.Dom c,
String data) |
static String |
_characterData_substringData(DomImpl.Dom c,
int offset,
int count) |
static int |
_childNodes_getLength(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_childNodes_item(DomImpl.Dom n,
int i) |
static Attr |
_document_createAttribute(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static Attr |
_document_createAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String qname) |
static CDATASection |
_document_createCDATASection(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static Comment |
_document_createComment(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static DocumentFragment |
_document_createDocumentFragment(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
_document_createElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static Element |
_document_createElementNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String qname) |
static EntityReference |
_document_createEntityReference(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static ProcessingInstruction |
_document_createProcessingInstruction(DomImpl.Dom d,
String target,
String data) |
static Text |
_document_createTextNode(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static DocumentType |
_document_getDoctype(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
_document_getDocumentElement(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
_document_getElementById(DomImpl.Dom d,
String elementId) |
static NodeList |
_document_getElementsByTagName(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static NodeList |
_document_getElementsByTagNameNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String local) |
static DOMImplementation |
_document_getImplementation(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Node |
_document_importNode(DomImpl.Dom d,
Node n,
boolean deep) |
static Document |
_domImplementation_createDocument(Locale l,
String u,
String n,
DocumentType t) |
static boolean |
_domImplementation_hasFeature(Locale l,
String feature,
String version) |
static String |
_element_getAttribute(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Attr |
_element_getAttributeNode(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Attr |
_element_getAttributeNodeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static String |
_element_getAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static NodeList |
_element_getElementsByTagName(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static NodeList |
_element_getElementsByTagNameNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static String |
_element_getTagName(DomImpl.Dom e) |
static boolean |
_element_hasAttribute(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static boolean |
_element_hasAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static void |
_element_removeAttribute(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Attr |
_element_removeAttributeNode(DomImpl.Dom e,
Attr oldAttr) |
static void |
_element_removeAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static void |
_element_setAttribute(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name,
String value) |
static Attr |
_element_setAttributeNode(DomImpl.Dom e,
Attr newAttr) |
static Attr |
_element_setAttributeNodeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
Attr newAttr) |
static void |
_element_setAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String qname,
String value) |
static XmlCursor |
_getXmlCursor(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static XmlObject |
_getXmlObject(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static XMLStreamReader |
_getXmlStreamReader(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_appendChild(DomImpl.Dom p,
Node newChild) |
static Node |
_node_cloneNode(DomImpl.Dom n,
boolean deep) |
static short |
_node_compareDocumentPosition(DomImpl.Dom n,
Node other) |
static String |
_node_getBaseURI(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Object |
_node_getFeature(DomImpl.Dom n,
String feature,
String version) |
static Node |
_node_getFirstChild(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_getLastChild(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_node_getLocalName(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_node_getNamespaceURI(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_getNextSibling(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_node_getNodeName(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static short |
_node_getNodeType(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_node_getNodeValue(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Document |
_node_getOwnerDocument(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Node |
_node_getParentNode(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
_node_getPrefix(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_getPreviousSibling(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_node_getTextContent(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Object |
_node_getUserData(DomImpl.Dom n,
String key) |
static boolean |
_node_hasAttributes(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static boolean |
_node_hasChildNodes(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_insertBefore(DomImpl.Dom p,
Node newChild,
Node refChild) |
static boolean |
_node_isDefaultNamespace(DomImpl.Dom n,
String namespaceURI) |
static boolean |
_node_isEqualNode(DomImpl.Dom n,
Node arg) |
static boolean |
_node_isSameNode(DomImpl.Dom n,
Node arg) |
static boolean |
_node_isSupported(DomImpl.Dom n,
String feature,
String version) |
static String |
_node_lookupNamespaceURI(DomImpl.Dom n,
String prefix) |
static String |
_node_lookupPrefix(DomImpl.Dom n,
String namespaceURI) |
static void |
_node_normalize(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
_node_removeChild(DomImpl.Dom p,
Node child) |
static Node |
_node_replaceChild(DomImpl.Dom p,
Node newChild,
Node oldChild) |
static void |
_node_setNodeValue(DomImpl.Dom n,
String nodeValue) |
static void |
_node_setPrefix(DomImpl.Dom n,
String prefix) |
static void |
_node_setTextContent(DomImpl.Dom n,
String textContent) |
static Object |
_node_setUserData(DomImpl.Dom n,
String key,
Object data,
UserDataHandler handler) |
static String |
_processingInstruction_getData(DomImpl.Dom p) |
static String |
_processingInstruction_getTarget(DomImpl.Dom p) |
static void |
_processingInstruction_setData(DomImpl.Dom p,
String data) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addAttribute(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name,
String value) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addChildElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addChildElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
SOAPElement oldChild) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addChildElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
String localName) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addChildElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
String localName,
String prefix) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addChildElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
String localName,
String prefix,
String uri) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addNamespaceDeclaration(DomImpl.Dom d,
String prefix,
String uri) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapElement_addTextNode(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static Iterator |
_soapElement_getAllAttributes(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
_soapElement_getAttributeValue(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static Iterator |
_soapElement_getChildElements(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Iterator |
_soapElement_getChildElements(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static Name |
_soapElement_getElementName(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
_soapElement_getEncodingStyle(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Iterator |
_soapElement_getNamespacePrefixes(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
_soapElement_getNamespaceURI(DomImpl.Dom d,
String prefix) |
static Iterator |
_soapElement_getVisibleNamespacePrefixes(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static boolean |
_soapElement_removeAttribute(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static void |
_soapElement_removeContents(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static boolean |
_soapElement_removeNamespaceDeclaration(DomImpl.Dom d,
String prefix) |
static void |
_soapElement_setEncodingStyle(DomImpl.Dom d,
String encodingStyle) |
static SOAPBody |
_soapEnvelope_addBody(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static SOAPHeader |
_soapEnvelope_addHeader(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Name |
_soapEnvelope_createName(DomImpl.Dom d,
String localName) |
static Name |
_soapEnvelope_createName(DomImpl.Dom d,
String localName,
String prefix,
String namespaceURI) |
static SOAPBody |
_soapEnvelope_getBody(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static SOAPHeader |
_soapEnvelope_getHeader(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static void |
_soapNode_detachNode(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static SOAPElement |
_soapNode_getParentElement(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_soapNode_getValue(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static void |
_soapNode_recycleNode(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static void |
_soapNode_setParentElement(DomImpl.Dom n,
SOAPElement p) |
static void |
_soapNode_setValue(DomImpl.Dom n,
String value) |
static void |
_soapPart_addMimeHeader(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name,
String value) |
static Iterator |
_soapPart_getAllMimeHeaders(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Source |
_soapPart_getContent(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static SOAPEnvelope |
_soapPart_getEnvelope(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Iterator |
_soapPart_getMatchingMimeHeaders(DomImpl.Dom d,
String[] names) |
static String[] |
_soapPart_getMimeHeader(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static Iterator |
_soapPart_getNonMatchingMimeHeaders(DomImpl.Dom d,
String[] names) |
static void |
_soapPart_removeAllMimeHeaders(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static void |
_soapPart_removeMimeHeader(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static void |
_soapPart_setContent(DomImpl.Dom d,
Source source) |
static void |
_soapPart_setMimeHeader(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name,
String value) |
static boolean |
_soapText_isComment(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
_text_getWholeText(DomImpl.Dom t) |
static boolean |
_text_isElementContentWhitespace(DomImpl.Dom t) |
static Text |
_text_replaceWholeText(DomImpl.Dom t,
String content) |
static Text |
_text_splitText(DomImpl.Dom t,
int offset) |
static Node |
append(DomImpl.Dom n,
DomImpl.Dom p) |
static Element |
attr_getOwnerElement(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static int |
attributes_getLength(DomImpl.Dom e) |
static Node |
attributes_getNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Node |
attributes_getNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static Node |
attributes_item(DomImpl.Dom e,
int index) |
static Node |
attributes_removeNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static Node |
attributes_removeNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static Node |
attributes_setNamedItem(DomImpl.Dom e,
DomImpl.Dom a) |
static Node |
attributes_setNamedItemNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
DomImpl.Dom a) |
static int |
childNodes_getLength(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
childNodes_item(DomImpl.Dom n,
int i) |
static DetailEntry |
detail_addDetailEntry(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static Iterator |
detail_getDetailEntries(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Attr |
document_createAttribute(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static Attr |
document_createAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String qname) |
static CDATASection |
document_createCDATASection(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static Comment |
document_createComment(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static DocumentFragment |
document_createDocumentFragment(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
document_createElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static Element |
document_createElementNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String qname) |
static ProcessingInstruction |
document_createProcessingInstruction(DomImpl.Dom d,
String target,
String data) |
static Text |
document_createTextNode(DomImpl.Dom d,
String data) |
static DocumentType |
document_getDoctype(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
document_getDocumentElement(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static NodeList |
document_getElementsByTagName(DomImpl.Dom d,
String name) |
static NodeList |
document_getElementsByTagNameNS(DomImpl.Dom d,
String uri,
String local) |
static Node |
document_importNode(DomImpl.Dom d,
Node n,
boolean deep) |
static Document |
domImplementation_createDocument(Locale l,
String namespaceURI,
String qualifiedName,
DocumentType doctype) |
static NodeList |
element_getElementsByTagName(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name) |
static NodeList |
element_getElementsByTagNameNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String local) |
static void |
element_setAttribute(DomImpl.Dom e,
String name,
String value) |
static void |
element_setAttributeNS(DomImpl.Dom e,
String uri,
String qname,
String value) |
static XmlCursor |
getXmlCursor(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static XmlObject |
getXmlObject(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static XMLStreamReader |
getXmlStreamReader(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Element |
impl_saajCallback_createSoapElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
QName name,
QName parentName) |
static Text |
impl_saajCallback_ensureSoapTextNode(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Object |
impl_saajCallback_getSaajData(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
impl_saajCallback_importSoapElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
Element elem,
boolean deep,
QName parentName) |
static void |
impl_saajCallback_setSaajData(DomImpl.Dom d,
Object o) |
static Node |
insert(DomImpl.Dom n,
DomImpl.Dom b) |
static Node |
node_cloneNode(DomImpl.Dom n,
boolean deep) |
static Node |
node_getFirstChild(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_getLastChild(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_getNextSibling(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static String |
node_getNodeValue(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Document |
node_getOwnerDocument(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_getParentNode(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_getPreviousSibling(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static boolean |
node_hasAttributes(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_insertBefore(DomImpl.Dom p,
DomImpl.Dom nc,
DomImpl.Dom rc) |
static void |
node_normalize(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Node |
node_removeChild(DomImpl.Dom parent,
DomImpl.Dom child) |
static Node |
node_replaceChild(DomImpl.Dom p,
DomImpl.Dom newChild,
DomImpl.Dom oldChild) |
static void |
node_setNodeValue(DomImpl.Dom n,
String nodeValue) |
static void |
node_setPrefix(DomImpl.Dom n,
String prefix) |
static Node |
remove(DomImpl.Dom n) |
static Element |
saajCallback_createSoapElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
QName name,
QName parentName) |
static Text |
saajCallback_ensureSoapTextNode(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Object |
saajCallback_getSaajData(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Element |
saajCallback_importSoapElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
Element elem,
boolean deep,
QName parentName) |
static void |
saajCallback_setSaajData(DomImpl.Dom d,
Object o) |
static SOAPBodyElement |
soapBody_addBodyElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static SOAPBodyElement |
soapBody_addDocument(DomImpl.Dom d,
Document document) |
static SOAPFault |
soapBody_addFault(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static SOAPFault |
soapBody_addFault(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name,
String s) |
static SOAPFault |
soapBody_addFault(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name faultCode,
String faultString,
Locale locale) |
static SOAPFault |
soapBody_getFault(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static boolean |
soapBody_hasFault(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Detail |
soapFault_addDetail(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Detail |
soapFault_getDetail(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
soapFault_getFaultActor(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
soapFault_getFaultCode(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Name |
soapFault_getFaultCodeAsName(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static String |
soapFault_getFaultString(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Locale |
soapFault_getFaultStringLocale(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static void |
soapFault_setFaultActor(DomImpl.Dom d,
String faultActorString) |
static void |
soapFault_setFaultCode(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name faultCodeName) |
static void |
soapFault_setFaultCode(DomImpl.Dom d,
String faultCode) |
static void |
soapFault_setFaultString(DomImpl.Dom d,
String faultString) |
static void |
soapFault_setFaultString(DomImpl.Dom d,
String faultString,
Locale locale) |
static SOAPHeaderElement |
soapHeader_addHeaderElement(DomImpl.Dom d,
Name name) |
static Iterator |
soapHeader_examineAllHeaderElements(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Iterator |
soapHeader_examineHeaderElements(DomImpl.Dom d,
String actor) |
static Iterator |
soapHeader_examineMustUnderstandHeaderElements(DomImpl.Dom d,
String mustUnderstandString) |
static Iterator |
soapHeader_extractAllHeaderElements(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static Iterator |
soapHeader_extractHeaderElements(DomImpl.Dom d,
String actor) |
static String |
soapHeaderElement_getActor(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static boolean |
soapHeaderElement_getMustUnderstand(DomImpl.Dom d) |
static void |
soapHeaderElement_setActor(DomImpl.Dom d,
String actor) |
static void |
soapHeaderElement_setMustUnderstand(DomImpl.Dom d,
boolean mustUnderstand) |