public interface SimpleValue extends XmlObject
SimpleValue is useful for declaring variables which can hold more than one similar schema type that may not happen to have a common XML base type, for example, two list types, or two unrelated integer restrictions that happen to fit into an int.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BigDecimal |
Returns the value as a
BigDecimal . |
BigInteger |
Returns the value as a
BigInteger . |
boolean |
Returns the value as a boolean.
byte[] |
Returns the value as a byte array.
byte |
Returns the value as a byte.
Calendar |
Returns the value as a
Calendar . |
Date |
Returns the value as a
Date . |
double |
Returns the value as a double.
StringEnumAbstractBase |
Returns the value as a
StringEnumAbstractBase . |
float |
Returns the value as a float.
GDate |
Returns the value as a
GDate . |
GDuration |
Returns the value as a
GDuration . |
int |
Returns the value as an int.
List<?> |
Returns the value as a
List of friendly Java objects (String, Integer, Byte, Short, Long, BigInteger, Decimal, Float, Double, byte[], Calendar, GDuration). |
long |
Returns the value as a long.
Object |
Returns a union value as a its natural friendly Java object (String, Integer, Byte, Short, Long, BigInteger, Decimal, Float, Double, byte[], Calendar, GDuration).
QName |
Returns the value as a
QName . |
short |
Returns the value as a short.
String |
Returns the value as a
String . |
SchemaType |
The same as getSchemaType unless this is a union instance
or nil value.
void |
setBigDecimalValue(BigDecimal obj)
Sets the value as a
BigDecimal . |
void |
setBigIntegerValue(BigInteger obj)
Sets the value as a
BigInteger . |
void |
setBooleanValue(boolean v)
Sets the value as a boolean.
void |
setByteArrayValue(byte[] obj)
Sets the value as a byte array.
void |
setByteValue(byte v)
Sets the value as a byte.
void |
setCalendarValue(Calendar obj)
Sets the value as a
Calendar . |
void |
setDateValue(Date obj)
Sets the value as a
Date . |
void |
setDoubleValue(double v)
Sets the value as a double.
void |
setEnumValue(StringEnumAbstractBase obj)
Sets the value as a
StringEnumAbstractBase . |
void |
setFloatValue(float v)
Sets the value as a float.
void |
setGDateValue(GDate obj)
Sets the value as a
GDate . |
void |
setGDurationValue(GDuration obj)
Sets the value as a
GDuration . |
void |
setIntValue(int v)
Sets the value as an int.
void |
setListValue(List<?> obj)
Sets the value as a
List . |
void |
setLongValue(long v)
Sets the value as a long.
void |
setObjectValue(Object obj)
Sets the value as an arbitrary
Object . |
void |
setQNameValue(QName obj)
Sets the value as a
QName . |
void |
setShortValue(short v)
Sets the value as a short.
void |
setStringValue(String obj)
Sets the value as a
String . |
List<? extends XmlAnySimpleType> |
Returns the value as a
List of XmlAnySimpleType objects. |
changeType, compareTo, compareValue, copy, copy, execQuery, execQuery, isImmutable, isNil, schemaType, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set, setNil, substitute, toString, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode
documentProperties, dump, getDomNode, monitor, newCursor, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, xmlText, xmlText
SchemaType instanceType()
For unions, this returns the non-union consituent type of this instance. This type may change if setters are called that cause the instance to change to another constituent type of the union.
For nil values, this returns null.
boolean getBooleanValue()
byte getByteValue()
short getShortValue()
int getIntValue()
long getLongValue()
BigInteger getBigIntegerValue()
.BigDecimal getBigDecimalValue()
.float getFloatValue()
double getDoubleValue()
byte[] getByteArrayValue()
StringEnumAbstractBase getEnumValue()
.List<?> getListValue()
of friendly Java objects (String, Integer, Byte, Short, Long, BigInteger, Decimal, Float, Double, byte[], Calendar, GDuration).List<? extends XmlAnySimpleType> xgetListValue()
of XmlAnySimpleType objects.Object getObjectValue()
void setBooleanValue(boolean v)
void setByteValue(byte v)
void setShortValue(short v)
void setIntValue(int v)
void setLongValue(long v)
void setBigIntegerValue(BigInteger obj)
.void setBigDecimalValue(BigDecimal obj)
.void setFloatValue(float v)
void setDoubleValue(double v)
void setByteArrayValue(byte[] obj)
void setEnumValue(StringEnumAbstractBase obj)