Interface SOAPEnvelope

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Node, SOAPElement

public interface SOAPEnvelope
extends SOAPElement

The container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object. By default, a SOAPMessage object is created with a SOAPPart object that has a SOAPEnvelope object. The SOAPEnvelope object by default has an empty SOAPBody object and an empty SOAPHeader object. The SOAPBody object is required, and the SOAPHeader object, though optional, is used in the majority of cases. If the SOAPHeader object is not needed, it can be deleted, which is shown later.

A client can access the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody objects by calling the methods SOAPEnvelope.getHeader and SOAPEnvelope.getBody. The following lines of code use these two methods after starting with the SOAPMessage object message to get the SOAPPart object sp, which is then used to get the SOAPEnvelope object se.

    SOAPPart sp = message.getSOAPPart();
    SOAPEnvelope se = sp.getEnvelope();
    SOAPHeader sh = se.getHeader();
    SOAPBody sb = se.getBody();

It is possible to change the body or header of a SOAPEnvelope object by retrieving the current one, deleting it, and then adding a new body or header. The javax.xml.soap.Node method detachNode detaches the XML element (node) on which it is called. For example, the following line of code deletes the SOAPBody object that is retrieved by the method getBody.

To create a SOAPHeader object to replace the one that was removed, a client uses the method SOAPEnvelope.addHeader, which creates a new header and adds it to the SOAPEnvelope object. Similarly, the method addBody creates a new SOAPBody object and adds it to the SOAPEnvelope object. The following code fragment retrieves the current header, removes it, and adds a new one. Then it retrieves the current body, removes it, and adds a new one.
    SOAPPart sp = message.getSOAPPart();
    SOAPEnvelope se = sp.getEnvelope();
    SOAPHeader sh = se.addHeader();
    SOAPBody sb = se.addBody();
It is an error to add a SOAPBody or SOAPHeader object if one already exists.

The SOAPEnvelope interface provides three methods for creating Name objects. One method creates Name objects with a local name, a namespace prefix, and a namesapce URI. The second method creates Name objects with a local name and a namespace prefix, and the third creates Name objects with just a local name. The following line of code, in which se is a SOAPEnvelope object, creates a new Name object with all three.

    Name name = se.createName("GetLastTradePrice", "WOMBAT",

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Method Summary
 SOAPBody addBody()
          Creates a SOAPBody object and sets it as the SOAPBody object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
 SOAPHeader addHeader()
          Creates a SOAPHeader object and sets it as the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
 Name createName(java.lang.String localName)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name.
 Name createName(java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI.
 SOAPBody getBody()
          Returns the SOAPBody object associated with this SOAPEnvelope object.
 SOAPHeader getHeader()
          Returns the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPElement
addAttribute, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addNamespaceDeclaration, addTextNode, getAllAttributes, getAttributeValue, getChildElements, getChildElements, getElementName, getEncodingStyle, getNamespacePrefixes, getNamespaceURI, getVisibleNamespacePrefixes, removeAttribute, removeContents, removeNamespaceDeclaration, setEncodingStyle
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.Node
detachNode, getParentElement, getValue, recycleNode, setParentElement, setValue
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Element
getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getSchemaTypeInfo, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setIdAttribute, setIdAttributeNode, setIdAttributeNS
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node
appendChild, cloneNode, compareDocumentPosition, getAttributes, getBaseURI, getChildNodes, getFeature, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTextContent, getUserData, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isDefaultNamespace, isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setTextContent, setUserData

Method Detail


Name createName(java.lang.String localName,
                java.lang.String prefix,
                java.lang.String uri)
                throws SOAPException
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI.

This factory method creates Name objects for use in the SOAP/XML document.

localName - a String giving the local name
prefix - a String giving the prefix of the namespace
uri - a String giving the URI of the namespace
a Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace prefix, and namespace URI
SOAPException - if there is a SOAP error


Name createName(java.lang.String localName)
                throws SOAPException
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name.

This factory method creates Name objects for use in the SOAP/XML document.

localName - a String giving the local name
a Name object initialized with the given local name
SOAPException - if there is a SOAP error


SOAPHeader getHeader()
                     throws SOAPException
Returns the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.

A new SOAPMessage object is by default created with a SOAPEnvelope object that contains an empty SOAPHeader object. As a result, the method getHeader will always return a SOAPHeader object unless the header has been removed and a new one has not been added.

the SOAPHeader object or null if there is none
SOAPException - if there is a problem obtaining the SOAPHeader object


SOAPBody getBody()
                 throws SOAPException
Returns the SOAPBody object associated with this SOAPEnvelope object.

A new SOAPMessage object is by default created with a SOAPEnvelope object that contains an empty SOAPBody object. As a result, the method getBody will always return a SOAPBody object unless the body has been removed and a new one has not been added.

the SOAPBody object for this SOAPEnvelope object or null if there is none
SOAPException - if there is a problem obtaining the SOAPBody object


SOAPHeader addHeader()
                     throws SOAPException
Creates a SOAPHeader object and sets it as the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object.

It is illegal to add a header when the envelope already contains a header. Therefore, this method should be called only after the existing header has been removed.

the new SOAPHeader object
SOAPException - if this SOAPEnvelope object already contains a valid SOAPHeader object


SOAPBody addBody()
                 throws SOAPException
Creates a SOAPBody object and sets it as the SOAPBody object for this SOAPEnvelope object.

It is illegal to add a body when the envelope already contains a body. Therefore, this method should be called only after the existing body has been removed.

the new SOAPBody object
SOAPException - if this SOAPEnvelope object already contains a valid SOAPBody object