Package org.apache.xmlbeans

Provides classes for XML Beans schema, infoset, xpath, and xquery handling.


Interface Summary
DelegateXmlObject See FilterXmlObject
GDateSpecification Represents an XML Schema-compatible Gregorian date.
GDurationSpecification Represents an XML Schema-compatible duration.
ObjectFactory generic interface to abstract creation of an object
QNameSetSpecification Represents a lattice of finite and infinite sets of QNames.
SchemaAnnotated Marker interface denoting that an annotation can be present
SchemaAnnotation Represents a Schema annotation.
SchemaAnnotation.Attribute Represents an attribute instance
SchemaAttributeGroup Represents an attribute group.
SchemaAttributeModel Represents the attribute structure allowed on a complex type.
SchemaCodePrinter This class is used to provide alternate implementations of the schema Java code generation.
SchemaComponent Represents a global Schema Component.
SchemaField Represents an element or an attribute declaration.
SchemaGlobalAttribute Represents a global attribute definition
SchemaGlobalElement Represents a global element definition.
SchemaIdentityConstraint Represents an identity constraint definition.
SchemaLocalAttribute Represents a local or global attribute definition.
SchemaLocalElement Represents a local or global element definition.
SchemaModelGroup Represents a model group.
SchemaParticle Represents a Schema particle definition.
SchemaProperty Represents a summary of similar SchemaFields in a complex type.
SchemaStringEnumEntry Describes a code-generated string enumeration
SchemaType Represents a schema type.
SchemaTypeElementSequencer This class is used to programatically validate the contents of an XML element.Call to both and SchemaTypeElementSequencer.peek(javax.xml.namespace.QName) will return true if the element with the provided name is allowed at the current position in the element content, the difference being that will advance the current position, while SchemaTypeElementSequencer.peek(javax.xml.namespace.QName) won't.
SchemaTypeLoader Represents a searchable set of XML Schema component definitions.
SchemaTypeSystem A finite set of XML Schema component definitions.
SimpleValue All XmlObject implementations can be coerced to SimpleValue.
UserType The UserType class represents a mapping between an XML Schema QName and a custom Java class type.
XmlAnySimpleType Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:anySimpleType type.
XmlAnyURI Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:anyURI type.
XmlBase64Binary Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:base64Binary type.
XmlBoolean Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:boolean type.
XmlByte Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:byte type.
XmlCursor Represents a position between two logical tokens in an XML document.
XmlCursor.ChangeStamp Represents the state of a dcoument at a particular point in time.
XmlCursor.XmlMark An abstract XmlCursor factory.
XmlDate Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:date type.
XmlDateTime Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:dateTime type.
XmlDecimal Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:decimal type.
XmlDouble Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:double type.
XmlDuration Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:duration type.
XmlENTITIES Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:ENTITIES type, a list type.
XmlENTITY Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:ENTITY type.
XmlFactoryHook A hook for the XML Bean Factory mechanism.
XmlFloat Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:float type.
XmlGDay Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:gDay type.
XmlGMonth Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:gMonth type.
XmlGMonthDay Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:gMonthDay type.
XmlGYear Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:gYear type.
XmlGYearMonth Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:gYearMonth type.
XmlHexBinary Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:hexBinary type.
XmlID Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:ID type.
XmlIDREF Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:IDREF type.
XmlIDREFS Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:IDREFS type, a list type.
XmlInt Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:int type.
XmlInteger Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:integer type.
XmlLanguage Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:language type.
XmlLong Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:long type.
XmlName Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:Name type.
XmlNCName Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:Name type.
XmlNegativeInteger Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:negativeInteger type.
XmlNMTOKEN Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:NMTOKEN type.
XmlNMTOKENS Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:NMTOKENS type, a list type.
XmlNonNegativeInteger Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:nonNegativeInteger type.
XmlNonPositiveInteger Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:nonPositiveInteger type.
XmlNormalizedString Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:normalizedString type.
XmlNOTATION Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:NOTATION type.
XmlObject Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:anyType, the base type for all XML Beans.
XmlPositiveInteger Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:positiveInteger type.
XmlQName Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:QName type.
XmlSaxHandler A holder for a SAX ContentHandler and LexicalHandler that are capable of loading an XmlObject instance.
XmlShort Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:short type.
XmlString Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:string type.
XmlTime Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:time type.
XmlToken Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:token type.
XmlTokenSource Represents a holder of XML that can return an XmlCursor or copy itself to various media such as Writers or Files.
XmlUnsignedByte Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:unsignedByte type.
XmlUnsignedInt Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:unsignedInt type.
XmlUnsignedLong Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:unsignedLong type.
XmlUnsignedShort Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:unsignedShort type.

Class Summary
BindingConfig The BindingConfig class is used during compilation to control the generation of java source files.
CDataBookmark Represents a CDATA bookmark.
FilterXmlObject A FilterXmlObject delegates to some other XmlObject, which it can use as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
GDate Represents an XML Schema-compatible Gregorian date.
GDateBuilder Used to build GDates.
GDuration Represents an XML Schema-compatible duration.
GDurationBuilder Used to build GDurations.
QNameCache A cache that can be used to pool QName instances.
QNameSet This interface represents a lattice of finite and infinite sets of QNames.
QNameSetBuilder Used to build QNameSets.
SchemaAttributeGroup.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of attribute groups.
SchemaBookmark Represents a Schema bookmark.
SchemaComponent.Ref A lazy reference to a component.
SchemaGlobalAttribute.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of elements.
SchemaGlobalElement.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of elements.
SchemaIdentityConstraint.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of identity constraints.
SchemaModelGroup.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of model groups.
SchemaType.Ref Used to allow on-demand loading of types.
StringEnumAbstractBase The base class for code-generated string enumeration value classes.
StringEnumAbstractBase.Table Used to manage singleton instances of enumerations.
XmlAnySimpleType.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlAnySimpleType.
XmlAnyURI.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlAnyURI.
XmlBase64Binary.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlBase64Binary.
XmlBeans Provides an assortment of utilities for managing XML Bean types, type systems, QNames, paths, and queries.
XmlBoolean.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlBoolean.
XmlByte.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlByte.
XmlCalendar An XML Schema compatible subclass of GregorianCalendar.
XmlCursor.TokenType An enumeration that identifies the type of an XML token.
XmlCursor.XmlBookmark Subclasses of XmlBookmark can be used to annotate an XML document.
XmlDate.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlDate.
XmlDateTime.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlDateTime.
XmlDecimal.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlDecimal.
XmlDocumentProperties This class is used to attach arbitrary information to an XML document.
XmlDouble.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlDouble.
XmlDuration.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlDuration.
XmlENTITIES.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlENTITIES.
XmlENTITY.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlENTITY.
XmlError Represents a message at a specific XML location.
XmlFactoryHook.ThreadContext Used to manage the XmlFactoryHook for the current thread.
XmlFloat.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlFloat.
XmlGDay.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlGDay.
XmlGMonth.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlGMonth.
XmlGMonthDay.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlGMonthDay.
XmlGYear.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlGYear.
XmlGYearMonth.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlGYearMonth.
XmlHexBinary.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlHexBinary.
XmlID.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlID.
XmlIDREF.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlIDREF.
XmlIDREFS.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlIDREFS.
XmlInt.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlInt.
XmlInteger.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlInteger.
XmlLanguage.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlLanguage.
XmlLineNumber A subclass of XmlBookmark that holds line number information.
XmlLong.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlLong.
XmlName.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlName.
XmlNCName.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNCName.
XmlNegativeInteger.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNegativeInteger.
XmlNMTOKEN.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNMTOKEN.
XmlNMTOKENS.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNMTOKENS.
XmlNonNegativeInteger.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNonNegativeInteger.
XmlNonPositiveInteger.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNonPositiveInteger.
XmlNormalizedString.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNormalizedString.
XmlNOTATION.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlNOTATION.
XmlObject.Factory Static factory class for creating new instances.
XmlOptionCharEscapeMap Corresponds to the Saver and XmlOptions.
XmlOptions Used to supply options for loading, saving, and compiling, and validating.
XmlOptionsBean Same as XmlOptions but adhering to JavaBean conventions
XmlPositiveInteger.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlPositiveInteger.
XmlQName.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlQName.
XmlShort.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlShort.
XmlSimpleList The immutable List returned for XML simple list values.
XmlString.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlString.
XmlTime.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlTime.
XmlToken.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlToken.
XmlUnsignedByte.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlUnsignedByte.
XmlUnsignedInt.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlUnsignedInt.
XmlUnsignedLong.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlUnsignedLong.
XmlUnsignedShort.Factory A class with methods for creating instances of XmlUnsignedShort.
XmlValidationError The XmlValidationError class extends the XmlErrorXMLError class.

Exception Summary
SchemaTypeLoaderException An exception that is thrown if there is corruption or a version mismatch in a compiled schema type system.
XmlException A checked exception that can be thrown while processing, parsing, or compiling XML.
XmlRuntimeException An unchecked XML exception.
XMLStreamValidationException An exception thrown from a validating XMLInputStream.

Package org.apache.xmlbeans Description

Provides classes for XML Beans schema, infoset, xpath, and xquery handling.

The XML Beans API is designed to work with the XML Beans schema compiler. The schema compiler produces XML Bean classes that extend and interact with the basic XML Bean classes and interfaces in this package. It is also possible to use XML Beans without the schema compiler to manipulate and validate XML in a late-bound way (with no types, or with runtime-loaded types only).

This package contains:

  1. All the built-in XML Bean classes such as XmlObject, XmlAnySimpleType, and XmlInt (one for each of the 46 built-in XML Schema types).
  2. Support for full XML infoset, XPath, and XQuery (via XmlCursor, XmlObject.selectPath(java.lang.String) and related methods).
  3. Support for computation using XML Schema data types (via datatype classes such as GDuration).
  4. Support for working with XML Schema type metadata itself (via SchemaType, SchemaTypeSystem, and related classes).

The place to begin when working with the XML Beans API is the following fundamental classes:

  1. XmlObject is the base class for all XML Beans.
  2. XmlObject.Factory is used to load and create XML Bean instances. Each XML Bean class has its own nested factory class.
  3. XmlCursor is an efficient treewalking API for the full XML infoset.
  4. SchemaType is the type metadata interface for XML Schema types
  5. XmlBeans provides a collection of utility functions.