Interface XmlShort

All Superinterfaces:
XmlAnySimpleType, XmlDecimal, XmlInt, XmlInteger, XmlLong, XmlObject, XmlTokenSource
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface XmlShort
extends XmlInt

Corresponds to the XML Schema xs:short type. One of the derived types based on xs:decimal.

Naturally, convertible to a Java short.

Nested Class Summary
static class XmlShort.Factory
          A class with methods for creating instances of XmlShort.
Field Summary
static SchemaType type
          The constant SchemaType object representing this schema type.
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
Method Summary
 short getShortValue()
          Returns this value as a short
 void set(short s)
          Deprecated. replaced with setShortValue(short)
 void setShortValue(short s)
          Sets this value as a short
 short shortValue()
          Deprecated. replaced with getShortValue()
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlInt
getIntValue, intValue, set, setIntValue
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlLong
getLongValue, longValue, set, setLongValue
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlInteger
bigIntegerValue, getBigIntegerValue, set, setBigIntegerValue
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal
bigDecimalValue, getBigDecimalValue, set, setBigDecimalValue
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlAnySimpleType
getStringValue, set, setStringValue, stringValue
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
changeType, compareTo, compareValue, copy, copy, execQuery, execQuery, isImmutable, isNil, schemaType, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set, setNil, substitute, toString, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource
documentProperties, dump, getDomNode, monitor, newCursor, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLInputStream, newXMLInputStream, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, xmlText, xmlText

Field Detail


static final SchemaType type
The constant SchemaType object representing this schema type.

Method Detail


short getShortValue()
Returns this value as a short


void setShortValue(short s)
Sets this value as a short


short shortValue()
Deprecated. replaced with getShortValue()

Returns this value as a short


void set(short s)
Deprecated. replaced with setShortValue(short)

Sets this value as a short