Class Cursor

All Implemented Interfaces:
XmlCursor, XmlTokenSource

public final class Cursor
extends Object
implements XmlCursor
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • dump

      public void dump​(PrintStream o)
    • _dispose

      public void _dispose()
    • _newCursor

      public XmlCursor _newCursor()
    • _getName

      public QName _getName()
    • _setName

      public void _setName​(QName name)
    • _currentTokenType

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _currentTokenType()
    • _isStartdoc

      public boolean _isStartdoc()
    • _isEnddoc

      public boolean _isEnddoc()
    • _isStart

      public boolean _isStart()
    • _isEnd

      public boolean _isEnd()
    • _isText

      public boolean _isText()
    • _isAttr

      public boolean _isAttr()
    • _isNamespace

      public boolean _isNamespace()
    • _isComment

      public boolean _isComment()
    • _isProcinst

      public boolean _isProcinst()
    • _isContainer

      public boolean _isContainer()
    • _isFinish

      public boolean _isFinish()
    • _isAnyAttr

      public boolean _isAnyAttr()
    • _toNextToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _toNextToken()
    • _toPrevToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _toPrevToken()
    • _monitor

      public Object _monitor()
    • _toParent

      public boolean _toParent()
    • _getDocChangeStamp

      public XmlCursor.ChangeStamp _getDocChangeStamp()
    • _newXMLStreamReader

      public XMLStreamReader _newXMLStreamReader()
    • _newDomNode

      public Node _newDomNode()
    • _newInputStream

      public InputStream _newInputStream()
    • _xmlText

      public String _xmlText()
    • _newReader

      public Reader _newReader()
    • _save

      public void _save​(File file) throws IOException
    • _save

      public void _save​(OutputStream os) throws IOException
    • _save

      public void _save​(Writer w) throws IOException
    • _save

      public void _save​(ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh) throws SAXException
    • _documentProperties

      public XmlDocumentProperties _documentProperties()
    • _newXMLStreamReader

      public XMLStreamReader _newXMLStreamReader​(XmlOptions options)
    • _xmlText

      public String _xmlText​(XmlOptions options)
    • _newInputStream

      public InputStream _newInputStream​(XmlOptions options)
    • _newReader

      public Reader _newReader​(XmlOptions options)
    • _save

      public void _save​(ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh, XmlOptions options) throws SAXException
    • _save

      public void _save​(File file, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
    • _save

      public void _save​(OutputStream os, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
    • _save

      public void _save​(Writer w, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
    • _getDomNode

      public Node _getDomNode()
    • _newDomNode

      public Node _newDomNode​(XmlOptions options)
    • _toCursor

      public boolean _toCursor​(Cursor other)
    • _push

      public void _push()
    • _pop

      public boolean _pop()
    • notifyChange

      public void notifyChange()
    • setNextChangeListener

      public void setNextChangeListener​( listener)
    • getNextChangeListener

      public getNextChangeListener()
    • _selectPath

      public void _selectPath​(String path)
    • _selectPath

      public void _selectPath​(String pathExpr, XmlOptions options)
    • _hasNextSelection

      public boolean _hasNextSelection()
    • _toNextSelection

      public boolean _toNextSelection()
    • _toSelection

      public boolean _toSelection​(int i)
    • _getSelectionCount

      public int _getSelectionCount()
    • _addToSelection

      public void _addToSelection()
    • _clearSelections

      public void _clearSelections()
    • _namespaceForPrefix

      public String _namespaceForPrefix​(String prefix)
    • _prefixForNamespace

      public String _prefixForNamespace​(String ns)
    • _getAllNamespaces

      public void _getAllNamespaces​(Map<String,​String> addToThis)
    • _getObject

      public XmlObject _getObject()
    • _prevTokenType

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _prevTokenType()
    • _hasNextToken

      public boolean _hasNextToken()
    • _hasPrevToken

      public boolean _hasPrevToken()
    • _toFirstContentToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _toFirstContentToken()
    • _toEndToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType _toEndToken()
    • _toChild

      public boolean _toChild​(String local)
    • _toChild

      public boolean _toChild​(QName name)
    • _toChild

      public boolean _toChild​(int index)
    • _toChild

      public boolean _toChild​(String uri, String local)
    • _toChild

      public boolean _toChild​(QName name, int index)
    • _toNextChar

      public int _toNextChar​(int maxCharacterCount)
    • _toPrevChar

      public int _toPrevChar​(int maxCharacterCount)
    • _toPrevSibling

      public boolean _toPrevSibling()
    • _toLastChild

      public boolean _toLastChild()
    • _toFirstChild

      public boolean _toFirstChild()
    • _toNextSibling

      public boolean _toNextSibling​(String name)
    • _toNextSibling

      public boolean _toNextSibling​(String uri, String local)
    • _toNextSibling

      public boolean _toNextSibling​(QName name)
    • _toFirstAttribute

      public boolean _toFirstAttribute()
    • _toLastAttribute

      public boolean _toLastAttribute()
    • _toNextAttribute

      public boolean _toNextAttribute()
    • _toPrevAttribute

      public boolean _toPrevAttribute()
    • _getAttributeText

      public String _getAttributeText​(QName attrName)
    • _setAttributeText

      public boolean _setAttributeText​(QName attrName, String value)
    • _removeAttribute

      public boolean _removeAttribute​(QName attrName)
    • _getTextValue

      public String _getTextValue()
    • _getTextValue

      public int _getTextValue​(char[] chars, int offset, int max)
    • _setTextValue

      public void _setTextValue​(String text)
    • _setTextValue

      public void _setTextValue​(char[] sourceChars, int offset, int length)
    • _getChars

      public String _getChars()
    • _getChars

      public int _getChars​(char[] buf, int off, int cch)
    • _toStartDoc

      public void _toStartDoc()
    • _toEndDoc

      public void _toEndDoc()
    • _comparePosition

      public int _comparePosition​(Cursor other)
    • _isLeftOf

      public boolean _isLeftOf​(Cursor other)
    • _isAtSamePositionAs

      public boolean _isAtSamePositionAs​(Cursor other)
    • _isRightOf

      public boolean _isRightOf​(Cursor other)
    • _execQuery

      public XmlCursor _execQuery​(String query)
    • _execQuery

      public XmlCursor _execQuery​(String query, XmlOptions options)
    • _toBookmark

      public boolean _toBookmark​(XmlCursor.XmlBookmark bookmark)
    • _toNextBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark _toNextBookmark​(Object key)
    • _toPrevBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark _toPrevBookmark​(Object key)
    • _setBookmark

      public void _setBookmark​(XmlCursor.XmlBookmark bookmark)
    • _getBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark _getBookmark​(Object key)
    • _clearBookmark

      public void _clearBookmark​(Object key)
    • _getAllBookmarkRefs

      public void _getAllBookmarkRefs​(Collection listToFill)
    • _removeXml

      public boolean _removeXml()
    • _moveXml

      public boolean _moveXml​(Cursor to)
    • _copyXml

      public boolean _copyXml​(Cursor to)
    • _removeXmlContents

      public boolean _removeXmlContents()
    • _moveXmlContents

      public boolean _moveXmlContents​(Cursor to)
    • _copyXmlContents

      public boolean _copyXmlContents​(Cursor to)
    • _removeChars

      public int _removeChars​(int cch)
    • _moveChars

      public int _moveChars​(int cch, Cursor to)
    • _copyChars

      public int _copyChars​(int cch, Cursor to)
    • _insertChars

      public void _insertChars​(String text)
    • _beginElement

      public void _beginElement​(String localName)
    • _beginElement

      public void _beginElement​(String localName, String uri)
    • _beginElement

      public void _beginElement​(QName name)
    • _insertElement

      public void _insertElement​(String localName)
    • _insertElement

      public void _insertElement​(String localName, String uri)
    • _insertElement

      public void _insertElement​(QName name)
    • _insertElementWithText

      public void _insertElementWithText​(String localName, String text)
    • _insertElementWithText

      public void _insertElementWithText​(String localName, String uri, String text)
    • _insertElementWithText

      public void _insertElementWithText​(QName name, String text)
    • _insertAttribute

      public void _insertAttribute​(String localName)
    • _insertAttribute

      public void _insertAttribute​(String localName, String uri)
    • _insertAttribute

      public void _insertAttribute​(QName name)
    • _insertAttributeWithValue

      public void _insertAttributeWithValue​(String localName, String value)
    • _insertAttributeWithValue

      public void _insertAttributeWithValue​(String localName, String uri, String value)
    • _insertAttributeWithValue

      public void _insertAttributeWithValue​(QName name, String text)
    • _insertNamespace

      public void _insertNamespace​(String prefix, String namespace)
    • _insertComment

      public void _insertComment​(String text)
    • _insertProcInst

      public void _insertProcInst​(String target, String text)
    • _dump

      public void _dump()
    • moveXml

      public boolean moveXml​(XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the XML immediately after this cursor to the location specified by the toHere cursor, shifting XML at that location to the right to make room. For the TEXT, ATTR, NAMESPACE, COMMENT and PROCINST tokens, a single token is moved. For a start token, the element and all of its contents are moved. For all other tokens, this is a no-op.

      The bookmarks located in the XML that was moved also move to the new location; the cursors don't move with the content.

      Specified by:
      moveXml in interface XmlCursor
      xTo - The cursor at the location to which the XML should be moved.
      true if anything was moved. This only happens when the XML to be moved contains the target of the move.
    • copyXml

      public boolean copyXml​(XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Copies the XML immediately after this cursor to the location specified by the toHere cursor. For the TEXT, ATTR, NAMESPACE, COMMENT and PROCINST tokens, a single token is copied. For a start token, the element and all of its contents are copied. For all other tokens, this is a no-op.

      The cursors and bookmarks located in the XML that was copied are also copied to the new location.

      Specified by:
      copyXml in interface XmlCursor
      xTo - The cursor at the location to which the XML should be copied.
      true if anything was copied; false if the token supports the operation, but nothing was copied.
    • moveXmlContents

      public boolean moveXmlContents​(XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the contents of the container (STARTDOC OR START) immediately after this cursor to the location specified by the toHere cursor. For all other situations, returns false. Does not move attributes or namespaces.
      Specified by:
      moveXmlContents in interface XmlCursor
      xTo - The cursor at the location to which the XML should be moved.
      true if anything was moved; otherwise, false.
    • copyXmlContents

      public boolean copyXmlContents​(XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Copies the contents of the container (STARTDOC OR START) immediately to the right of the cursor to the location specified by the toHere cursor. For all other situations, returns false. Does not copy attributes or namespaces.
      Specified by:
      copyXmlContents in interface XmlCursor
      xTo - The cursor at the location to which the XML should be copied.
      true if anything was copied; otherwise, false.
    • moveChars

      public int moveChars​(int cch, XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves characters immediately after this cursor to the position immediately after the specified cursor. Characters are counted to the right up to the specified maximum number. XML after the destination cursor is shifted to the right to make room. The space remaining from moving the characters collapses up to this cursor.
      Specified by:
      moveChars in interface XmlCursor
      cch - The maximum number of characters after this cursor's location to move.
      xTo - The cursor to which the characters should be moved.
      The actual number of characters moved.
    • copyChars

      public int copyChars​(int cch, XmlCursor xTo)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Copies characters to the position immediately after the specified cursor. Characters are counted to the right up to the specified maximum number. XML after the destination cursor is shifted to the right to make room.
      Specified by:
      copyChars in interface XmlCursor
      cch - The maximum number of characters after this cursor's location to copy.
      xTo - The cursor to which the characters should be copied.
      The actual number of characters copied.
    • toCursor

      public boolean toCursor​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the same position as the moveTo cursor. if the moveTo cursor is in a different document from this cursor, this cursor will not be moved, and false returned.
      Specified by:
      toCursor in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor at the location to which this cursor should be moved.
      true if the cursor moved; otherwise, false.
    • isInSameDocument

      public boolean isInSameDocument​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Determines if the specified cursor is in the same document as this cursor.
      Specified by:
      isInSameDocument in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor that may be in the same document as this cursor.
      true if the specified cursor is in the same document; otherwise, false.
    • comparePosition

      public int comparePosition​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns an integer indicating whether this cursor is before, after, or at the same position as the specified cursor.

      a.comparePosition(b) < 0 means a is to the left of b.
      a.comparePosition(b) == 0 means a is at the same position as b.
      a.comparePosition(b) > 0 means a is to the right of b.

      The sort order of cursors in the document is the token order. For example, if cursor "a" is at a START token and the cursor "b" is at a token within the contents of the same element, then a.comparePosition(b) will return -1, meaning that the position of a is before b.

      Specified by:
      comparePosition in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor whose position should be compared with this cursor.
      1 if this cursor is after the specified cursor; 0 if this cursor is at the same position as the specified cursor; -1 if this cursor is before the specified cursor.
    • isLeftOf

      public boolean isLeftOf​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Determines if this cursor is to the left of (or before) the specified cursor. Note that this is the same as a.comparePosition(b) < 0
      Specified by:
      isLeftOf in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor whose position should be compared with this cursor.
      true if this cursor is to the left of the specified cursor; otherwise, false.
    • isAtSamePositionAs

      public boolean isAtSamePositionAs​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Determines if this cursor is at the same position as the specified cursor. Note that this is the same as a.comparePosition(b) == 0
      Specified by:
      isAtSamePositionAs in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor whose position should be compared with this cursor.
      true if this cursor is at the same position as the specified cursor; otherwise, false.
    • isRightOf

      public boolean isRightOf​(XmlCursor xOther)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Determines if this cursor is to the right of (or after) the specified cursor. Note that this is the same as a.comparePosition(b) > 0
      Specified by:
      isRightOf in interface XmlCursor
      xOther - The cursor whose position should be compared with this cursor.
      true if this cursor is to the right of the specified cursor; otherwise, false.
    • newCursor

      public static XmlCursor newCursor​( x, int p)
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Deallocates resources needed to manage the cursor, rendering this cursor inoperable. Because cursors are managed by a mechanism which stores the XML, simply letting a cursor go out of scope and having the garbage collector attempt to reclaim it may not produce desirable performance.

      So, explicitly disposing a cursor allows the underlying implementation to release its responsibility of maintaining its position.

      After a cursor has been disposed, it may not be used again. It can throw IllegalStateException or NullPointerException if used after disposal.

      Specified by:
      dispose in interface XmlCursor
    • monitor

      public Object monitor()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns the synchronization object for the document. If concurrent multithreaded access to a document is required, the access should should be protected by synchronizing on this monitor() object. There is one monitor per XML document tree.
      Specified by:
      monitor in interface XmlTokenSource
    • documentProperties

      public XmlDocumentProperties documentProperties()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns the XmlDocumentProperties object for the document this token source is associated with.
      Specified by:
      documentProperties in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newCursor

      public XmlCursor newCursor()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a new XML cursor.

      A cursor provides random access to all the tokens in the XML data, plus the ability to extract strongly-typed XmlObjects for the data. If the data is not read-only, the XML cursor also allows modifications to the data.

      Using a cursor for the first time typically forces the XML document into memory.

      Specified by:
      newCursor in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newXMLStreamReader

      public XMLStreamReader newXMLStreamReader()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a new XMLStreamReader.

      The stream starts at the current begin-tag or begin-document position and ends at the matching end-tag or end-document.

      This is a fail-fast stream, so if the underlying data is changed while the stream is being read, the stream throws a ConcurrentModificationException.

      Specified by:
      newXMLStreamReader in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newXMLStreamReader

      public XMLStreamReader newXMLStreamReader​(XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a new XMLStreamReader.

      The stream starts at the current begin-tag or begin-document position and ends at the matching end-tag or end-document.

      This is a fail-fast stream, so if the underlying data is changed while the stream is being read, the stream throws a ConcurrentModificationException.

      Throws an IllegalStateException if the XmlTokenSource is not positioned at begin-tag or begin-document (e.g., if it is at an attribute).

      To specify thisUse this method
      The character encoding to use when converting the character data in the XML to bytess. XmlOptions.setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String)
      Prefix-to-namespace mappings that should be assumed when saving this XML. This is useful when the resulting XML will be part of a larger XML document, ensuring that this inner document will take advantage of namespaces defined in the outer document. XmlOptions.setSaveImplicitNamespaces(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>)
      Suggested namespace prefixes to use when saving. Used only when a namespace attribute needs to be synthesized. XmlOptions.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>)
      That namespace attributes should occur first in elements when the XML is saved. By default, they occur last. XmlOptions.setSaveNamespacesFirst()
      The XML should be pretty printed when saved. Note that this should only be used for debugging. XmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrint()
      The number of spaces to use when indenting for pretty printing. The default is 2. XmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(int)
      The additional number of spaces indented from the left for pretty printed XML. XmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrintOffset(int)
      To minimize the number of namespace attributes generated for the saved XML. Note that this can reduce performance significantly. XmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces()
      To reduce the size of the saved document by allowing the use of the default namespace. Note that this can potentially change the semantic meaning of the XML if unprefixed QNames are present as the value of an attribute or element. XmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace()
      To filter out processing instructions with the specified target name. XmlOptions.setSaveFilterProcinst(java.lang.String)
      Change the QName of the synthesized root element when saving. This replaces "xml-fragment" with "fragment" in the namespace XmlOptions.setSaveUseOpenFrag()
      Saving should begin on the element's contents. XmlOptions.setSaveInner()
      Saving should begin on the element, rather than its contents. XmlOptions.setSaveOuter()
      To rename the document element, or to specify the document element for this XML. XmlOptions.setSaveSyntheticDocumentElement(javax.xml.namespace.QName)
      Specified by:
      newXMLStreamReader in interface XmlTokenSource
      options - Any of the described options. Options map may be null.
      A new validating XMLStreamReader.
      See Also:
    • xmlText

      public String xmlText()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns standard XML text.

      The text returned represents the document contents starting at the current begin-tag or begin-document and ending at the matching end-tag or end-document. This is same content as newReader, but it is returned as a single string.

      Throws an IllegalStateException if the XmlTokenSource is not positioned at begin-tag or begin-document (e.g., if it is at an attribute).

      Note that this method does not produce XML with the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see or, XmlOptions).

      Specified by:
      xmlText in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newInputStream

      public InputStream newInputStream()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a new stream containing standard XML text, encoded according to the given encoding.

      The byte stream contains contents starting at the current begin-tag or begin-document and ending at the matching end-tag or end-document. The specified encoding is used and also emitted in a PI at the beginning of the stream.

      This is a fail-fast stream, so if the underlying data is changed while the stream is being read, the stream throws a ConcurrentModificationException.

      Throws an IllegalStateException if the XmlTokenSource is not positioned at begin-tag or begin-document (e.g., if it is at an attribute).

      Specified by:
      newInputStream in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newReader

      public Reader newReader()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a new character reader containing XML text.

      The contents of the reader represents the document contents starting at the current begin-tag or begin-document and ending at the matching end-tag or end-document. No encoding annotation will be made in the text itself.

      This is a fail-fast reader, so if the underlying data is changed while the reader is being read, the reader throws a ConcurrentModificationException.

      Throws an IllegalStateException if the XmlTokenSource is not positioned at begin-tag or begin-document (e.g., if it is at an attribute).

      Specified by:
      newReader in interface XmlTokenSource
    • newDomNode

      public Node newDomNode()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a W3C DOM Node containing the XML represented by this source. This is a copy of the XML, it is not a live with the underlying store of this token source. If this is the document node, then a Document is returned, else a DocumentFragment is returned.
      Specified by:
      newDomNode in interface XmlTokenSource
    • getDomNode

      public Node getDomNode()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Returns a W3C DOM Node containing the XML represented by this source. This is a live DOM node, not a copy. Any changes made through this node are immediately reflected in the document associated with this token source. Depending on the kind of token this XmlTokenSource represents, an appropriate node will be returned.
      Specified by:
      getDomNode in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh) throws SAXException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given SAX content and lexical handlers. Note that this method does not save the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see,, XmlOptions), or, XmlOptions).
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(File file) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given File. This method will save the XML declaration, including encoding information, with the XML.
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given output stream. This method will save the XML declaration, including encoding information, with the XML.
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(Writer w) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given output. Note that this method does not save the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see,, XmlOptions), or, XmlOptions).
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • xmlText

      public String xmlText​(XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Just like xmlText() but with options. Options map may be null.

      Note that this method does not produce XML with the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see or, XmlOptions).

      Specified by:
      xmlText in interface XmlTokenSource
      See Also:
    • newInputStream

      public InputStream newInputStream​(XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Just like newInputStream(String encoding) but with options. Options map may be null.
      Specified by:
      newInputStream in interface XmlTokenSource
      See Also:
    • newReader

      public Reader newReader​(XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Just like newReader() but with options. Options map may be null.
      Specified by:
      newReader in interface XmlTokenSource
      See Also:
    • newDomNode

      public Node newDomNode​(XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Just like newDomNode() but with options. Options map may be null.
      Specified by:
      newDomNode in interface XmlTokenSource
      See Also:
    • save

      public void save​(ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh, XmlOptions options) throws SAXException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given SAX content and lexical handlers. Note that this method does not save the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see,, XmlOptions), or, XmlOptions).
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(File file, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given File. This method will save the XML declaration, including encoding information, with the XML.
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(OutputStream os, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given output stream. This method will save the XML declaration, including encoding information, with the XML.
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • save

      public void save​(Writer w, XmlOptions options) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Writes the XML represented by this source to the given output. Note that this method does not save the XML declaration, including the encoding information. To save the XML declaration with the XML, see,, XmlOptions), or, XmlOptions).
      Specified by:
      save in interface XmlTokenSource
    • push

      public void push()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Saves the current location of this cursor on an internal stack of saved positions (independent of selection). This location may be restored later by calling the pop() method.
      Specified by:
      push in interface XmlCursor
    • pop

      public boolean pop()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Restores the cursor location most recently saved with the push() method.
      Specified by:
      pop in interface XmlCursor
      true if there was a location to restore; otherwise, false.
    • selectPath

      public void selectPath​(String path)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Executes the specified XPath expression against the XML that this cursor is in. The cursor's position does not change. To navigate to the selections, use XmlCursor.hasNextSelection() and XmlCursor.toNextSelection() (similar to Iterator).

      The root referred to by the expression should be given as a dot. The following is an example path expression:


      Note that this method does not support top-level XPath functions.

      Specified by:
      selectPath in interface XmlCursor
      path - The path expression to execute.
    • selectPath

      public void selectPath​(String path, XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Executes the specified XPath expression against the XML that this cursor is in. The cursor's position does not change. To navigate to the selections, use hasNextSelection and toNextSelection (similar to java.util.Iterator).

      The root referred to by the expression should be given as a dot. The following is an example path expression:


      Note that this method does not support top-level XPath functions.

      Specified by:
      selectPath in interface XmlCursor
      path - The path expression to execute.
      options - Options for the query. For example, you can call the XmlOptions.setXqueryCurrentNodeVar(String) method to specify a particular name for the query expression variable that indicates the context node.
    • hasNextSelection

      public boolean hasNextSelection()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns whether or not there is a next selection.
      Specified by:
      hasNextSelection in interface XmlCursor
      true if there is a next selection; otherwise, false.
    • toNextSelection

      public boolean toNextSelection()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the next location in the selection, if any. See the XmlCursor.selectPath(java.lang.String) and XmlCursor.addToSelection() methods.
      Specified by:
      toNextSelection in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor moved; otherwise, false.
    • toSelection

      public boolean toSelection​(int i)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the specified location in the selection. If i is less than zero or greater than or equal to the selection count, this method returns false.

      See also the selectPath() and addToSelection() methods.

      Specified by:
      toSelection in interface XmlCursor
      i - The index of the desired location.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • getSelectionCount

      public int getSelectionCount()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the count of the current selection. See also the selectPath() and addToSelection() methods.

      You may experience better performance if you use the iteration model using the toNextSelection method, rather than the indexing model using the getSelectionCount and toSelection methods.

      Specified by:
      getSelectionCount in interface XmlCursor
      A number indicating the size of the current selection.
    • addToSelection

      public void addToSelection()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Appends the current location of the cursor to the selection. See also the selectPath() method. You can use this as an alternative to calling the selectPath method when you want to define your own selection.
      Specified by:
      addToSelection in interface XmlCursor
    • clearSelections

      public void clearSelections()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Clears this cursor's selection, but does not modify the document.
      Specified by:
      clearSelections in interface XmlCursor
    • toBookmark

      public boolean toBookmark​(XmlCursor.XmlBookmark bookmark)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the same position as the bookmark. If the bookmark is in a different document from this cursor or if the bookmark is orphaned, this cursor will not be moved, and false will be returned.
      Specified by:
      toBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      bookmark - The bookmark at the location to which this cursor should be moved.
      true if the cursor moved; otherwise, false.
    • toNextBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark toNextBookmark​(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the location after its current position where a bookmark with the given key exists. Returns false if no such bookmark exists.
      Specified by:
      toNextBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      key - The key held by the next bookmark at the location to which this cursor should be moved.
      The next corresponding bookmark, if it exists; null if there is no next bookmark with the specified key.
    • toPrevBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark toPrevBookmark​(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves this cursor to the location before its current position where a bookmark with the given key exists. Returns false if no such bookmark exists.
      Specified by:
      toPrevBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      key - The key held by the previous bookmark at the location to which this cursor should be moved.
      The previous corresponding bookmark, if it exists; null if there is no previous bookmark with the specified key.
    • getName

      public QName getName()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the name of the current token. Names may be associated with START, ATTR, NAMESPACE or PROCINST. Returns null if there is no name associated with the current token. For START and ATTR, the name returned identifies the name of the element or attribute. For NAMESPACE, the local part of the name is the prefix, while the URI is the namespace defined. For PROCINST, the local part is the target and the uri is "".

      In the following example, xmlObject represents an XML instance whose root element is not preceded by any other XML. This code prints the root element name (here, the local name, or name without URI).

       XmlCursor cursor = xmlObject.newCursor();
       String elementName = cursor.getName().getLocalPart();
      Specified by:
      getName in interface XmlCursor
      The name of the XML at this cursor's location; null if there is no name.
    • setName

      public void setName​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Sets the name of the current token. This token can be START, NAMESPACE, ATTR or PROCINST.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface XmlCursor
      name - The new name for the current token.
    • namespaceForPrefix

      public String namespaceForPrefix​(String prefix)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the namespace URI indicated by the given prefix. The current context must be at a START or STARTDOC. Namespace prefix mappings are queried for the mappings defined at the current container first, then parents are queried. The prefix can be "" or null to indicate a search for the default namespace. To conform with the XML spec, the default namespace will return the no-namespace ("") if it is not mapped.

      Note that this queries the current state of the document. When the document is persisted, the saving mechanism may synthesize namespaces (ns1, ns2, and so on) for the purposes of persistence. These namepaces are only present in the serialized form, and are not reflected back into the document being saved.

      Specified by:
      namespaceForPrefix in interface XmlCursor
      prefix - The namespace prefix for the requested namespace.
      The URI for corresponding to the specified prefix if it exists; otherwise, null.
    • prefixForNamespace

      public String prefixForNamespace​(String namespaceURI)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns a prefix that can be used to indicate a namespace URI. The current context must be at a START or STARTDOC. If there is an existing prefix that indicates the URI in the current context, that prefix may be returned. Otherwise, a new prefix for the URI will be defined by adding an xmlns attribute to the current container or a parent container.

      Note that this queries the current state of the document. When the document is persisted, the saving mechanism may synthesize namespaces (ns1, ns2, and so on) for the purposes of persistence. These namepaces are only present in the serialized form, and are not reflected back into the document being saved.

      Specified by:
      prefixForNamespace in interface XmlCursor
      namespaceURI - The namespace URI corresponding to the requested prefix.
      The prefix corresponding to the specified URI if it exists; otherwise, a newly generated prefix.
    • getAllNamespaces

      public void getAllNamespaces​(Map<String,​String> addToThis)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Adds to the specified map, all the namespaces in scope at the container where this cursor is positioned. This method is useful for container tokens only.
      Specified by:
      getAllNamespaces in interface XmlCursor
      addToThis - The Map to add the namespaces to.
    • getObject

      public XmlObject getObject()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the strongly-typed XmlObject at the current START, STARTDOC, or ATTR.

      The strongly-typed object can be cast to the strongly-typed XBean interface corresponding to the XML Schema Type given by result.getSchemaType().

      If a more specific type cannot be determined, an XmlObject whose schema type is anyType will be returned.

      Specified by:
      getObject in interface XmlCursor
      The strongly-typed object at the cursor's current location; null if the current location is not a START, STARTDOC, or ATTR.
    • currentTokenType

      public XmlCursor.TokenType currentTokenType()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the type of the current token. By definition, the current token is the token immediately to the right of the cursor. If you're in the middle of text, before a character, you get TEXT. You can't dive into the text of an ATTR, COMMENT or PROCINST.

      As an alternative, it may be more convenient for you to use one of the methods that test for a particular token type. These include the methods isStart(), isStartdoc(), isText(), isAttr(), and so on. Each returns a boolean value indicating whether the token that follows the cursor is the type in question.

      Specified by:
      currentTokenType in interface XmlCursor
      The TokenType instance for the token at the cursor's current location.
    • isStartdoc

      public boolean isStartdoc()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if the current token is a STARTDOC token type, meaning at the very root of the document.
      Specified by:
      isStartdoc in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a STARTDOC token type; otherwise, false.
    • isEnddoc

      public boolean isEnddoc()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is an ENDDOC token type, meaning at the very end of the document.
      Specified by:
      isEnddoc in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is an ENDDOC token type; otherwise, false.
    • isStart

      public boolean isStart()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a START token type, meaning just before an element's start.
      Specified by:
      isStart in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a START token type; otherwise, false.
    • isEnd

      public boolean isEnd()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is an END token type, meaning just before an element's end.
      Specified by:
      isEnd in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is an END token type; otherwise, false.
    • isText

      public boolean isText()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if the this token is a TEXT token type, meaning just before or inside text.
      Specified by:
      isText in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a TEXT token type; otherwise, false.
    • isAttr

      public boolean isAttr()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is an ATTR token type, meaning just before an attribute.
      Specified by:
      isAttr in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is an ATTR token type; otherwise, false.
    • isNamespace

      public boolean isNamespace()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a NAMESPACE token type, meaning just before a namespace declaration.
      Specified by:
      isNamespace in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a NAMESPACE token type; otherwise, false.
    • isComment

      public boolean isComment()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a COMMENT token type, meaning just before a comment.
      Specified by:
      isComment in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a COMMENT token type; otherwise, false.
    • isProcinst

      public boolean isProcinst()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a PROCINST token type, meaning just before a processing instruction.
      Specified by:
      isProcinst in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a PROCINST token type; otherwise, false.
    • isContainer

      public boolean isContainer()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a container token. The STARTDOC and START token types are containers. Containers, including documents and elements, have the same content model. In other words, a document and an element may have the same contents. For example, a document may contain attributes or text, without any child elements.
      Specified by:
      isContainer in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a container token; otherwise, false.
    • isFinish

      public boolean isFinish()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is a finish token. A finish token can be an ENDDOC or END token type.
      Specified by:
      isFinish in interface XmlCursor
      true if this token is a finish token; otherwise, false.
    • isAnyAttr

      public boolean isAnyAttr()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if this token is any attribute. This includes an ATTR token type and the NAMESPACE token type attribute.
      Specified by:
      isAnyAttr in interface XmlCursor
      true if the current cursor is at any attribute; otherwise, false.
    • prevTokenType

      public XmlCursor.TokenType prevTokenType()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the type of the previous token. By definition, the previous token is the token immediately to the left of the cursor.

      If you're in the middle of text, after a character, you get TEXT.

      Specified by:
      prevTokenType in interface XmlCursor
      The TokenType instance for the token immediately before the token at the cursor's current location.
    • hasNextToken

      public boolean hasNextToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if there is a next token. When this is false, as when the cursor is at the ENDDOC token, the toNextToken() method returns NONE and does not move the cursor.
      Specified by:
      hasNextToken in interface XmlCursor
      true if there is a next token; otherwise, false.
    • hasPrevToken

      public boolean hasPrevToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      True if there is a previous token. When this is false, toPrevToken returns NONE and does not move the cursor.
      Specified by:
      hasPrevToken in interface XmlCursor
      true if there is a previous token; otherwise, false.
    • toNextToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType toNextToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next token. When there are no more tokens available, hasNextToken returns false and toNextToken() returns NONE and does not move the cursor. Returns the token type of the token to the right of the cursor upon a successful move.
      Specified by:
      toNextToken in interface XmlCursor
      The token type for the next token if the cursor was moved; otherwise, NONE.
    • toPrevToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType toPrevToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the previous token. When there is no previous token, returns NONE, otherwise returns the token to the left of the new position of the cursor.
      Specified by:
      toPrevToken in interface XmlCursor
      The token type for the previous token if the cursor was moved; otherwise, NONE.
    • toFirstContentToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType toFirstContentToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first token in the content of the current START or STARTDOC. That is, the first token after all ATTR and NAMESPACE tokens associated with this START.

      If the current token is not a START or STARTDOC, the cursor is not moved and NONE is returned. If the current START or STARTDOC has no content, the cursor is moved to the END or ENDDOC token.

      Specified by:
      toFirstContentToken in interface XmlCursor
      The new current token type.
    • toEndToken

      public XmlCursor.TokenType toEndToken()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the END or ENDDOC token corresponding to the current START or STARTDOC, and returns END or ENDDOC.

      If the current token is not a START or STARTDOC, the cursor is not moved and NONE is returned.

      Specified by:
      toEndToken in interface XmlCursor
      The new current token type.
    • toNextChar

      public int toNextChar​(int cch)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor forward by the specified number of characters, and stops at the next non-TEXT token. Returns the number of characters actually moved across, which is guaranteed to be less than or equal to maxCharacterCount. If there is no further text, or if there is no text at all, returns zero.

      Note this does not dive into attribute values, comment contents, processing instruction contents, etc., but only content text.

      You can pass maxCharacterCount < 0 to move over all the text to the right. This has the same effect as toNextToken, but returns the amount of text moved over.

      Specified by:
      toNextChar in interface XmlCursor
      cch - The maximum number of characters by which the cursor should be moved.
      The actual number of characters by which the cursor was moved; 0 if the cursor was not moved.
    • toPrevChar

      public int toPrevChar​(int cch)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor backwards by the number of characters given. Has similar characteristics to the toNextChar method.
      Specified by:
      toPrevChar in interface XmlCursor
      cch - The maximum number of characters by which the cursor should be moved.
      The actual number of characters by which the cursor was moved; 0 if the cursor was not moved.
    • ___toNextSibling

      public boolean ___toNextSibling()
    • toNextSibling

      public boolean toNextSibling()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next sibling element, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there is no next sibling element. (By definition the position of an element is the same as the position of its START token.)

      If the current token is not s START, the cursor will be moved to the next START without moving out of the scope of the current element.

      Specified by:
      toNextSibling in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toPrevSibling

      public boolean toPrevSibling()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the previous sibling element, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there is no previous sibling element. (By definition the position of an element is the same as the position of its START token.)
      Specified by:
      toPrevSibling in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toParent

      public boolean toParent()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the parent element or STARTDOC, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there is no parent.

      Works if you're in attributes or content. Returns false only if at STARTDOC. Note that the parent of an END token is the corresponding START token.

      Specified by:
      toParent in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; false if the cursor is at the STARTDOC token.
    • toFirstChild

      public boolean toFirstChild()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first child element, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there are no element children.

      If the cursor is not currently in an element, it moves into the first child element of the next element.

      Specified by:
      toFirstChild in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toLastChild

      public boolean toLastChild()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the last element child, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there are no element children.
      Specified by:
      toLastChild in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toChild

      public boolean toChild​(String name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first child element of the specified name in no namespace.
      Specified by:
      toChild in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name of the element to move the cursor to.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toChild

      public boolean toChild​(String namespace, String name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first child element of the specified name in the specified namespace.
      Specified by:
      toChild in interface XmlCursor
      namespace - The namespace URI for the element to move the cursor to.
      name - The name of the element to move to.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toChild

      public boolean toChild​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first child element of the specified qualified name.
      Specified by:
      toChild in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name of the element to move the cursor to.
    • toChild

      public boolean toChild​(int index)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the child element specified by index.
      Specified by:
      toChild in interface XmlCursor
      index - The position of the element in the sequence of child elements.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toChild

      public boolean toChild​(QName name, int index)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the specified index child element of the specified name, where that element is the .
      Specified by:
      toChild in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name of the child element to move the cursor to.
      index - The position of the element in the sequence of child elements.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toNextSibling

      public boolean toNextSibling​(String name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next sibling element of the specified name in no namespace.
      Specified by:
      toNextSibling in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name of the element to move the cursor to.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toNextSibling

      public boolean toNextSibling​(String namespace, String name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next sibling element of the specified name in the specified namespace.
      Specified by:
      toNextSibling in interface XmlCursor
      namespace - The namespace URI for the element to move the cursor to.
      name - The name of the element to move the cursor to.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toNextSibling

      public boolean toNextSibling​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next sibling element of the specified qualified name.
      Specified by:
      toNextSibling in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name of the element to move the cursor to.
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toFirstAttribute

      public boolean toFirstAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the first attribute of this element, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there are no attributes. The order of attributes is arbitrary, but stable.

      If the cursor is on a STARTDOC of a document-fragment, this method will move it to the first top level attribute if one exists.

      xmlns attributes (namespace declarations) are not considered attributes by this function.

      The cursor must be on a START or STARTDOC (in the case of a document fragment with top level attributes) for this method to succeed.

      Example for looping through attributes:

            XmlCursor cursor = ... //cursor on START or STARTDOC
            if (cursor.toFirstAttribute())
                    // do something using attribute's name and value
                while (cursor.toNextAttribute());
      Specified by:
      toFirstAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toLastAttribute

      public boolean toLastAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the last attribute of this element, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there are no attributes. The order of attributes is arbitrary, but stable.

      xmlns attributes (namespace declarations) are not considered attributes by this function.

      The cursor must be on a START or STARTDOC for this method to succeed.

      Specified by:
      toLastAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • toNextAttribute

      public boolean toNextAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the next sibling attribute, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there is no next sibling attribute. The order of attributes is arbitrary, but stable.

      xmlns attributes (namespace declarations) are not considered attributes by this function.

      The cursor must be on an attribute for this method to succeed.

      Specified by:
      toNextAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
      See Also:
    • toPrevAttribute

      public boolean toPrevAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the previous sibling attribute, or returns false and does not move the cursor if there is no previous sibling attribute. The order of attributes is arbitrary, but stable.

      xmlns attributes (namespace declarations) are not considered attributes by this function.

      The cursor must be on an attribute for this method to succeed.

      Specified by:
      toPrevAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      true if the cursor was moved; otherwise, false.
    • getAttributeText

      public String getAttributeText​(QName attrName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      When at a START or STARTDOC, returns the attribute text for the given attribute. When not at a START or STARTDOC or the attribute does not exist, returns null.
      Specified by:
      getAttributeText in interface XmlCursor
      attrName - The name of the attribute whose value is requested.
      The attribute's value if it has one; otherwise, null.
    • setAttributeText

      public boolean setAttributeText​(QName attrName, String value)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      When at a START or STARTDOC, sets the attribute text for the given attribute. When not at a START or STARTDOC returns false. If the attribute does not exist, one is created.
      Specified by:
      setAttributeText in interface XmlCursor
      attrName - The name of the attribute whose value is being set.
      value - The new value for the attribute.
      true if the new value was set; otherwise, false.
    • removeAttribute

      public boolean removeAttribute​(QName attrName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      When at a START or STARTDOC, removes the attribute with the given name.
      Specified by:
      removeAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      attrName - The name of the attribute that should be removed.
      true if the attribute was removed; otherwise, false.
    • getTextValue

      public String getTextValue()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Gets the text value of the current document, element, attribute, comment, procinst or text token.

      When getting the text value of an element, non-text content such as comments and processing instructions are ignored and text is concatenated. For elements that have nested element children, this returns the concatenated text of all mixed content and the text of all the element children, recursing in first-to-last depthfirst order.

      For attributes, including namespaces, this returns the attribute value.

      For comments and processing instructions, this returns the text content of the comment or PI, not including the delimiting sequences <!-- -->, <? ?>. For a PI, the name of the PI is also not included.

      The value of an empty tag is the empty string.

      If the current token is END or ENDDOC, this throws an IllegalStateException.

      Specified by:
      getTextValue in interface XmlCursor
      The text value of the current token if the token's type is START, STARTDOC, TEXT, ATTR, COMMENT, PROCINST, or NAMESPACE; null if the type is NONE.
    • getTextValue

      public int getTextValue​(char[] chars, int offset, int cch)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Copies the text value of the current document, element, attribute, comment, processing instruction or text token, counting right from this cursor's location up to maxCharacterCount, and copies the returned text into returnedChars.

      When getting the text value of an element, non-text content such as comments and processing instructions are ignored and text is concatenated. For elements that have nested element children, this returns the concatenated text of all mixed content and the text of all the element children, recursing in first-to-last depthfirst order.

      For attributes, including namespaces, this returns the attribute value.

      For comments and processing instructions, this returns the text contents of the comment or PI, not including the delimiting sequences <!-- -->, <? ?>. For a PI, the text will not include the name of the PI.

      If the current token is END or ENDDOC, this throws an IllegalStateException.

      The value of an empty tag is the empty string.

      Specified by:
      getTextValue in interface XmlCursor
      chars - A character array to hold the returned characters.
      offset - The position within returnedChars to which the first of the returned characters should be copied.
      cch - The maximum number of characters after this cursor's location to copy. A negative value specifies that all characters should be copied.
      The actual number of characters copied; 0 if no characters were copied.
    • setTextValue

      public void setTextValue​(String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Sets the text value of the XML at this cursor's location if that XML's token type is START, STARTDOC, ATTR, COMMENT or PROCINST.

      For elements that have nested children this first removes all the content of the element and replaces it with the given text.

      Specified by:
      setTextValue in interface XmlCursor
      text - The text to use as a new value.
    • setTextValue

      public void setTextValue​(char[] sourceChars, int offset, int length)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Sets the text value of the XML at this cursor's location (if that XML's token type is START, STARTDOC, ATTR, COMMENT or PROCINST) to the contents of the specified character array.

      For elements that have nested children this first removes all the content of the element and replaces it with the given text.

      Specified by:
      setTextValue in interface XmlCursor
      sourceChars - A character array containing the XML's new value.
      offset - The position within sourceChars from which the first of the source characters should be copied.
      length - The maximum number of characters to set as the XML's new value.
    • getChars

      public String getChars()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns characters to the right of the cursor up to the next token.
      Specified by:
      getChars in interface XmlCursor
    • getChars

      public int getChars​(char[] chars, int offset, int cch)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Copies characters up to the specified maximum number, counting right from this cursor's location to the character at maxCharacterCount. The returned characters are added to returnedChars, with the first character copied to the offset position. The maxCharacterCount parameter should be less than or equal to the length of returnedChars minus offset. Copies a number of characters, which is either maxCharacterCount or the number of characters up to the next token, whichever is less.
      Specified by:
      getChars in interface XmlCursor
      chars - A character array to hold the returned characters.
      offset - The position within returnedChars at which the first of the returned characters should be added.
      cch - The maximum number of characters after this cursor's location to return.
      The actual number of characters returned; 0 if no characters were returned or if the current token is not TEXT.
    • toStartDoc

      public void toStartDoc()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the STARTDOC token, which is the root of the document.
      Specified by:
      toStartDoc in interface XmlCursor
    • toEndDoc

      public void toEndDoc()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Moves the cursor to the ENDDOC token, which is the end of the document.
      Specified by:
      toEndDoc in interface XmlCursor
    • execQuery

      public XmlCursor execQuery​(String query)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Executes the specified XQuery expression against the XML this cursor is in.

      The query may be a String or a compiled query. You can precompile an XQuery expression using the XmlBeans.compileQuery method.

      The root referred to by the expression should be given as a dot. The following is an example path expression:

       XmlCursor results = cursor.execQuery("purchase-order/line-item[price <= 20.00]");
      Specified by:
      execQuery in interface XmlCursor
      query - The XQuery expression to execute.
      A cursor containing the results of the query.
    • execQuery

      public XmlCursor execQuery​(String query, XmlOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Executes the specified XQuery expression against the XML this cursor is in, and using the specified options.

      Specified by:
      execQuery in interface XmlCursor
      query - The XQuery expression to execute.
      options - Options for the query. For example, you can call the XmlOptions.setXqueryCurrentNodeVar(String) method to specify a particular name for the query expression variable that indicates the context node.
    • getDocChangeStamp

      public XmlCursor.ChangeStamp getDocChangeStamp()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Returns the current change stamp for the document the current cursor is in. This change stamp can be queried at a later point in time to find out if the document has changed.
      Specified by:
      getDocChangeStamp in interface XmlCursor
      The change stamp for the document the current cursor is in.
    • setBookmark

      public void setBookmark​(XmlCursor.XmlBookmark bookmark)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Sets a bookmark to the document at this cursor's location.

      The bookmark is attached to the token in the tree immediately after the cursor. If the tree is manipulated to move that object to a different place, the bookmark moves with it. If the tree is manipulated to delete that token from the tree, the bookmark is orphaned. Copy operations do not copy bookmarks.

      Specified by:
      setBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      bookmark - The bookmark to set.
    • getBookmark

      public XmlCursor.XmlBookmark getBookmark​(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Retrieves the bookmark with the specified key at this cursor's location. If there is no bookmark whose key is given by the specified key at the current position, null is returned. If the getKey method is not overridden on the bookmark, then the bookmark's class is used as the key.
      Specified by:
      getBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      key - The key for the bookmark to retrieve.
      The requested bookmark; null if there is no bookmark corresponding to the specified key.
    • clearBookmark

      public void clearBookmark​(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Clears the bookmark whose key is specified, if the bookmark exists at this cursor's location.
      Specified by:
      clearBookmark in interface XmlCursor
      key - The for the bookmark to clear.
    • getAllBookmarkRefs

      public void getAllBookmarkRefs​(Collection listToFill)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Retrieves all the bookmarks at this location, adding them to the specified collection. Bookmarks held by weak references are added to this collection as Weak referenced objects pointing to the bookmark.
      Specified by:
      getAllBookmarkRefs in interface XmlCursor
      listToFill - The collection that will contain bookmarks returned by this method.
    • removeXml

      public boolean removeXml()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Removes the XML that is immediately after this cursor.

      For the TEXT, ATTR, NAMESPACE, COMMENT and PROCINST tokens, a single token is removed. For a START token, the corresponding element and all of its contents are removed. For all other tokens, this is a no-op. You cannot remove a STARTDOC.

      The cursors located in the XML that was removed all collapse to the same location. All bookmarks in this XML will be orphaned.

      Specified by:
      removeXml in interface XmlCursor
      true if anything was removed; false only if the cursor is just before END or ENDDOC token.
    • removeXmlContents

      public boolean removeXmlContents()
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Removes the contents of the container (STARTDOC OR START) immediately after this cursor. For all other situations, returns false. Does not remove attributes or namspaces.
      Specified by:
      removeXmlContents in interface XmlCursor
      true if anything was copied; otherwise, false.
    • removeChars

      public int removeChars​(int cch)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Removes characters up to the specified maximum number, counting right from this cursor's location to the character at maxCharacterCount. The space remaining from removing the characters collapses up to this cursor.
      Specified by:
      removeChars in interface XmlCursor
      cch - The maximum number of characters after this cursor's location to remove.
      The actual number of characters removed.
    • insertChars

      public void insertChars​(String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts the specified text immediately before this cursor's location.
      Specified by:
      insertChars in interface XmlCursor
      text - The text to insert.
    • insertElement

      public void insertElement​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified qualified name.
      Specified by:
      insertElement in interface XmlCursor
      name - The qualified name for the element.
    • insertElement

      public void insertElement​(String localName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified local name.
      Specified by:
      insertElement in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
    • insertElement

      public void insertElement​(String localName, String uri)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified local name and associating it with specified namespace
      Specified by:
      insertElement in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
      uri - The URI for the new element's namespace.
    • beginElement

      public void beginElement​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element around this cursor, giving the element the specified qualified name. After the element is inserted, this cursor is between its start and end. This cursor can then be used to insert additional XML into the new element.
      Specified by:
      beginElement in interface XmlCursor
      name - The qualified name for the new element.
    • beginElement

      public void beginElement​(String localName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element around this cursor, giving the element the specified local name. After the element is inserted, this cursor is between its start and end. This cursor can then be used to insert additional XML into the new element.
      Specified by:
      beginElement in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
    • beginElement

      public void beginElement​(String localName, String uri)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element around this cursor, giving the element the specified local name and associating it with the specified namespace. After the element is inserted, this cursor is between its start and end. This cursor can then be used to insert additional XML into the new element.
      Specified by:
      beginElement in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
      uri - The URI for the new element's namespace.
    • insertElementWithText

      public void insertElementWithText​(QName name, String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified qualified name and content.
      Specified by:
      insertElementWithText in interface XmlCursor
      name - The qualified name for the new element.
      text - The content for the new element.
    • insertElementWithText

      public void insertElementWithText​(String localName, String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified local name and content.
      Specified by:
      insertElementWithText in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
      text - The content for the new element.
    • insertElementWithText

      public void insertElementWithText​(String localName, String uri, String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new element immediately before this cursor's location, giving the element the specified local name, associating it with the specified namespace, and giving it the specified content.
      Specified by:
      insertElementWithText in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new element.
      uri - The URI for the new element's namespace.
      text - The content for the new element.
    • insertAttribute

      public void insertAttribute​(String localName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new attribute immediately before this cursor's location, giving it the specified local name.
      Specified by:
      insertAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new attribute.
    • insertAttribute

      public void insertAttribute​(String localName, String uri)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new attribute immediately before this cursor's location, giving it the specified local name and associating it with the specified namespace.
      Specified by:
      insertAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      localName - The local name for the new attribute.
      uri - The URI for the new attribute's namespace.
    • insertAttribute

      public void insertAttribute​(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new attribute immediately before this cursor's location, giving it the specified name.
      Specified by:
      insertAttribute in interface XmlCursor
      name - The local name for the new attribute.
    • insertAttributeWithValue

      public void insertAttributeWithValue​(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a new attribute immediately before this cursor's location, giving it the specified value and name.
      Specified by:
      insertAttributeWithValue in interface XmlCursor
      name - The local name for the new attribute.
      value - The value for the new attribute.
    • insertAttributeWithValue

      public void insertAttributeWithValue​(String name, String uri, String value)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an attribute immediately before the cursor's location, giving it the specified name and value, and associating it with the specified namespace.
      Specified by:
      insertAttributeWithValue in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name for the new attribute.
      uri - The URI for the new attribute's namespace.
      value - The value for the new attribute.
    • insertAttributeWithValue

      public void insertAttributeWithValue​(QName name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an attribute immediately before the cursor's location, giving it the specified name and value.
      Specified by:
      insertAttributeWithValue in interface XmlCursor
      name - The name for the new attribute.
      value - The value for the new attribute.
    • insertNamespace

      public void insertNamespace​(String prefix, String namespace)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts a namespace declaration immediately before the cursor's location, giving it the specified prefix and URI.
      Specified by:
      insertNamespace in interface XmlCursor
      prefix - The prefix for the namespace.
      namespace - The URI for the namespace.
    • insertComment

      public void insertComment​(String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an XML comment immediately before the cursor's location, giving it the specified content.
      Specified by:
      insertComment in interface XmlCursor
      text - The new comment's content.
    • insertProcInst

      public void insertProcInst​(String target, String text)
      Description copied from interface: XmlCursor
      Inserts an XML processing instruction immediately before the cursor's location, giving it the specified target and text.
      Specified by:
      insertProcInst in interface XmlCursor
      target - The target for the processing instruction.
      text - The new processing instruction's text.
    • dump

      public void dump()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTokenSource
      Prints to stdout the state of the document in which this token source is positioned. This is very implementation specific and may change at any time. Dump can be useful for debugging purposes. It is very different from the save methods which produce XML text which only approximates the actual state of the document.
      Specified by:
      dump in interface XmlTokenSource