The Apache Software Foundation > Apache XMLBeans

History of Changes

Version 5.3.0 (2024-12-13)


updateXMLBEANS-653upgrade log4j-api dependency to 2.24.2 due to serious bug in 2.24.1

Version 5.2.2 (2024-11-05)


updateXMLBEANS-651remove xml-apis dependency
updateXMLBEANS-652Code Generation hardcodes ISO-8859-1 as the char encoding

Version 5.2.1 (2024-05-27)


updateXMLBEANS-617Support recursing directories (sourceDir configuration parameter)
updateXMLBEANS-644Code Generation: SchemaTypeCodePrinter cannot handle case where there are elements and attributes with clashing QNames
updateXMLBEANS-645upgrade to saxon-he 12.4
updateXMLBEANS-646Hex Binary decoding support can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException
updateXMLBEANS-647upgrade maven plugins
updateXMLBEANS-648Fix issue with module loading by some users of Java 11+
updateXMLBEANS-649upgrade to javaparser 3.25.10

Version 5.2.0 (2023-11-16)


updateXMLBEANS-474NegativeArraySizeException thrown from TextSaver.resize
updateXMLBEANS-625Remove unused JarHelper code
updateXMLBEANS-626Interface extensions need explicit dependency on javaparser-symbol-solver-core
updateXMLBEANS-631upgrade to log4j 2.21.1
updateXMLBEANS-632upgrade to ant 1.10.14
updateXMLBEANS-634upgrade to javaparser 3.25.5
updateXMLBEANS-637Combine same contiguous element types incorrectly while generating XSD from an XML instance
updateXMLBEANS-638make gradle build produce reproducible jars
updateXMLBEANS-639add license/notice to sources and javadoc jars
updateXMLBEANS-640upgrade to saxon-he 12.3
updateXMLBEANS-641use java.nio.file.Files APIs

Version 5.1.1 (2022-08-29)


updateXMLBEANS-612Adjust Class loading to allow using XMLBeans on Android
updateXMLBEANS-614upgrade to log4j 2.18.0
updateXMLBEANS-619Performance enhancement for interface extension generation
updateXMLBEANS-622javaparser 3.24.4
updateXMLBEANS-623Hardening of zip slip check in JarHelper
updateXMLBEANS-624remove xstc tool

Version 5.1.0 (2022-06-12)


updateXMLBEANS-47Inner Class Handler is not supported
updateXMLBEANS-416Allow referencing cross-xsd usertypes
updateXMLBEANS-567Fix some problems with XMLBeans Extension Interfaces Feature
updateXMLBEANS-582Make XmlCursor AutoCloseable
updateXMLBEANS-584Change version code so that the value is automatically generated
updateXMLBEANS-585Add sonarqube build
updateXMLBEANS-586Migrate ant build to gradle
updateXMLBEANS-588GDate can return different values on different current timezones
updateXMLBEANS-591Use generics in Collections
updateXMLBEANS-595Upgrade to Saxon 11
updateXMLBEANS-596Upgrade to Junit 5
updateXMLBEANS-597Improve support for using XMLBeans on Android
updateXMLBEANS-599Line breaks in base64binary caused a validation error
updateXMLBEANS-601Create temp files using java.nio.files.Files
updateXMLBEANS-603Upgrade to log4j-api 2.17.2
updateXMLBEANS-604Incorrect Assert in Saver.TextSaver
updateXMLBEANS-608Memory leak in interface extension handling
updateXMLBEANS-609Parameterised return types not handled correctly in interface extensions
updateXMLBEANS-610Compiling XSD is slow since version 5.0.1

Version 5.0.3 (2021-12-29)


updateXMLBEANS-579SampleXmlUtil misses root element with only one child
updateXMLBEANS-580upgrade to log4j-api 2.17.1
updateXMLBEANS-583Duplicated "xmlns" attribute in XmlObject.toString() result

Version 5.0.2 (2021-10-20)


updateXMLBEANS-572When generating Java code, there is a wrong reference to java.util.Object[]
updateXMLBEANS-569support disallow-doctype-decl setting on XML parser
updateXMLBEANS-566Configuration property "quiet" in the maven plugin is spelled wrong
updateXMLBEANS-495StackOverflowError when parsing a large number of characters in an XML element
updateXMLBEANS-576upgrade javaparser dependency to 3.23.0
updateXMLBEANS-577upgrade to log4j 2.14.1
updateXMLBEANS-578upgrade to saxon 10.6

Version 5.0.1 (2021-07-10)


updateXMLBEANS-564SAXHelper creates noisy logging with stacktraces
updateXMLBEANS-565Generate TypeSystemHolder as .java (in sources) instead of .class (in resources)
updateXMLBEANS-563maven plugin does not have feature parity with codehaus maven plugin or allow all configuration options
updateXMLBEANS-235Support annotations > 64kb characters
updateXMLBEANS-556Support enumerations with more than 64k entries
updateXMLBEANS-487Entity replacement in wrong place when expansion coincides with buffer growth
updateXMLBEANS-82Use XSD Annotations for comment generation
updateXMLBEANS-214Support the 2009 version of xml.xsd
updateXMLBEANS-481Base64 to byte[] is not very efficient
updateXMLBEANS-535Error line number always -1 for XML validation errors
updateXMLBEANS-559Race condition in

Version 5.0.0 (2021-03-14)


updateXMLBEANS-555Partial method generation and remove inner factory classes - re-generation of the beans necessary (breaks backwards compatibility)
updateXMLBEANS-551use log4j-2 for logging
updateXMLBEANS-486Provide Maven plugin
updateXMLBEANS-557Duplicate classes in jar
updateXMLBEANS-554xmlbean doesn't support the "javasource" attribute

Version 4.0.0 (2020-10-16)


updateXMLBEANS-540Prevent trim of elements when pretty print is used
updateXMLBEANS-542SAX Parsing should not fail if parser does not allow the setting of declaration-handler
updateXMLBEANS-548XmlDocumentProperties.setStandalone is ignored when saving
updateXMLBEANS-539Support for newer versions of Saxon as an XPath engine
updateXMLBEANS-536Increase Java 9+ compatibility - Jigsaw/JPMS support - layout of the schema classes changed - regeneration of the schema classes is recommended (breaks backwards compatibility)

Version 3.1.0 (2019-03-26)


fixXMLBEANS-502Allow to clear all ThreadLocals from the current thread
fixXMLBEANS-503Allow to specify -nowarn in the Ant task
fixXMLBEANS-537Add missing StscState.end() to avoid memory leaks
fixXMLBEANS-532Streamline build.xml and update tests to Junit4
fixXMLBEANS-531Fix schema gen of attributes
fixXMLBEANS-530Allow namespaces of XmlOptions to be passed to the XQuery engine
fixXMLBEANS-529Format xmlobjects to the correct string representation on XPath access
fixXMLBEANS-528Allow document locator to be set after initialization
fixXMLBEANS-527Rename shell script directory, to align on typical directory layout
fixXMLBEANS-526Fix issue with loading META-INF/services files
fixXMLBEANS-538fix issue with parsing DOM with DTD

Version 3.0.2 (2018-10-23)


fixXMLBEANS-520xmlbeans 3.0.1 - wrong name for source(s) artifact
fixXMLBEANS-519issue with using firefly & apache harmony parser
fixXMLBEANS-511NPE @ SchemaTypeImpl.isAssignableFrom()
fixXMLBEANS-506NPE trying to load resource file if XmlBeans was loaded by the bootstrap ClassLoader

Version 3.0.1 (2018-08-24)


updateXMLBEANS-518Support new XmlOptions to control XML parser settings

Version 3.0.0 (2018-06-29)


  • use safe xml parsing - remove piccolo support
  • Java 6 is now minimum supported JRE


updateXMLBEANS-517use safe XML parsers
removeXMLBEANS-516remove unnecessary javax and org.w3c classes (breaks backwards compatibility)
removeXMLBEANS-515remove piccolo support (breaks backwards compatibility)
updateXMLBEANS-514make java 6 the lowest supported runtime (breaks backwards compatibility)
fixXMLBEANS-489fix for Cursor getAllNamespaces not returning default namespace
fixXMLBEANS-499xmlbeans2.6.0.jar contains duplicate class files (causes issues on Android)
removeXMLBEANS-447Drop the ConcurrentReaderHashMap source code
fixXMLBEANS-404entitizeContent CDATA loop iterating too many times (causes assertion error or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in replace)
fixXMLBEANS-332XMLBeans changes surrogate pair bytes to question marks

Version 2.6.0 (2012-08-14)


updateAdd new xml option CopyUseNewSynchronizationDomain used for copy. This fixes the scenario when copy and access (ex. selectPath) are used in a multithreading environment.
updateEntitize \r when not in pretty print, this helps with maintaining \r entities.
fixValidation of integer value containing dot char.
fixFix chars in comments to avoid errors in IntelliJ under linux.
updateUpdate durations to latest spec.
fixCompiling schema that contains complex type with simple content that has facets defined in the base simple type
fixFix for Piccolo lexer when read method returns 0.
fixPreserve the CDATA bookmarks when copy from one xmlobject to another.
fixResizing circular buffer in saver's output stream implementation.
fixWhen not specifing type for a particle in derived schema type and when minOccurs is 0.
updateFixed error messages when contain base and derived type names.
updateIntroducing a default maximum entity replacement limit of 10kb, it can be controled by using the option XmlOptions.setLoadEntityBytesLimit.
fixFixed javadoc for inst2xsd and xsd2inst tools.
fixFix NPE in SchemaTypeImpl.getEnumJavaClass().
updateAdded multiple entry points and refactored code for xsd2inst code.
updateRemove org.w3c.dom files from xbean.jar.
updateAdd another xpath and xquery interface implementation.
updateAdd src/xmlinputstream classes* to xmlpublic.jar.
updateMake bootstrap run twice to avoid GUMP error emails.
updateXMLBEANS-396GML 3.1.1 generated code fails to compile.
updateXMLBEANS-412Fix for bug : Pattern facet regex requires dash - to be escaped.
updateXMLBEANS-414error cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'XXXX' with empty content type cannot have text or element content.

Version 2.5.0 (2009-12-14)


updateExit codes for InstanceValidator
updateDecimal precision handling fix in xsd2inst
updateXMLBEANS-350Option to perform additional, stricter Schema validation checks
updateupdated pattern for dayTimeDuration
updateExtended year min/max value limitations
updateSupport for date and time types with hour 24.
updateNOTATION built-in type
updateDocType fix when root element is changed
update"User types" feature - allows mapping of Schema simple types to custom user Java classes
updateXMLBEANS-381Nested enumeration type compilation error fix
updateDeadlock fix in generated impl setter simple and array
updateRequired attribute fix in streaming validator
updateMany other fixes and optimizations

Version 2.4.0 (2008-07-08)


updatePluggable XPath/XQuery engine support
updateUpgraded support for Saxon 9
updateAdded Schema compilation option to skip errors in case duplicate component declarations are encountered.
updateFiner grained support for CDATA
updateTool to generate XPath for a given cursor position in a document
updateadded more fine-grained control over XML to Java name mapping
updateAdd support for JVM-supported encodings
updateAdding XmlError codes
updateReplace static HashMaps with WeakHashMaps
updateXMLBEANS-309Warnings on Generated code
updateXMLBEANS-361invalid NaN comparisons
updateFix qname marshaling when empty namespace
updateVarious other bug fixes

Version 2.3.0 (2007-06-01)


updateImproved Saxon support, Saxon 8.8 became the recommended version
updateAdded options to control use of CDATA sections when saving to XML
updateAdded support for QNames in Schema annotations
updateAdded support for new encodings: UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, CP936/GBK.
fixXMLBEANS-274overzealous whitespace cropping after parsing entities like &
fixXMLBEANS-276selectPath() with setXqueryCurrentNodeVar() option does not work for Saxon
fixsynchronization problem with array setters
fixXMLBEANS-209Saver$TextSaver.replace method throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
fixXMLBEANS-290QNameSet generated by QNameSet.forArray(QName[]) can't be unioned with other QNameSets
fixXMLBEANS-291java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when saving XML
fixXMLBEANS-275XQuery gives wrong result with Saxon 8.6.1
fixbug during generation of complex types with simple content
fiximproved error handling during loading of Schema type system
fixbugs in Duration serialization
fixRemove year zero from GDate, GDateBuilder and XmlCalendar per XMLSchema spec D.3.2

Version 2.2.0 (2006-06-23)


updateAllow polymorphism in Extension Interfaces Feature
updateFix for circular buffer in TextSaver
updateTuned synchronization for multithreaded validation
updateUpdated to the latest XMLSchema.xsd - January 25, 2006
updateBetter QName validation
updateFix insertion positions when using substitution groups with arrays
updateUpdated XmlBeans to work with SaxonB-8.6.1 in place of SaxonB8.1
updateFix for regex validation in multi-threaded, multi-processor environment
updateFix for schema compilation error when restricting complex type with simple content
updateImplemented XMLInputStream interface for saving a store
updateXQuery external variable binding support
updateVarious other bug fixes

Version 2.1.0 (2005-11-16)


updateFixed the issue whereby some IDEs would have problems with the TypeSystemHolder class being generated in the classes directory
updateBetter integration with Maven
updateImplemented support for ID/IDREF in DTDs via DOM's .getElementByID()
updateIntegrated a patch that makes XmlBeans work in a sandboxed environment
updateAdded the ability to control entitization of characters when saving documents
updateFixed issue with memory reclamation in multi-threaded environments, which was delayed too much so it could be mistaken for a memory leak
updateAdded numerous new test cases and performance tests
updateContinued improving performance, especially in the DOM support and XmlCursor areas
updateAdded column numbers support in our snapshot of Piccolo; validation and XMLSchema error reporting benefit from this and is of course usable from user code
updateLine/column number is now also available for end-tags
updateSolved a legal inconsistency surrounding our use of JSR173 APIs
updateFixed a lot of reported issues in various areas of the product

Version 2.0.0 (2005-06-30)


updatemany performance related changes, especialy in the DOM and Cursor areas
updaterewrite of the <xs:redefine> support
updateCompleted the implementation of Filer
updatenew documentation on xs:any, validation plus updates of the old docs
updatemany bug fixes, including perm gen memory bug

Version 2.0.0-beta1 (2005-02-24)


updatenew store implementation, including native DOM implementation
updatePiccolo is now the default parser.XmlOptions.setLoadUseXMLReader (XMLReader xmlReader) can be used when a diffrent parser is required.
updateSample xml generation from an schema file
updateNew failfast behavior for simple types, more consistent
updateEntityResolver is setable in SchemaCompiler
updateXPath 2.0 and Xquery support through Saxon
updatejava 1.5 generics for array properties added to generated source
updateSimplified working with substitution groups by adding XmlObject.substitute() method
update"-noVDoc" command-line option for scomp to skip validation of <xs:documentation> contents
updateuniform access to the getSourceName() method in Schema Object Model
updateCleaned up schema compilation APIs with a XmlBeans.compileXmlBeans()
updateAdded error codes and improved validation error messages
updateChanged .xsb format and loading strategy to improve performance
updateAbility to pass URLs instead of Files for Wsdl/Schemas
updateAdded option to pass in "##local" to -allowmdef
updateInst2xsd: support for xsi:nil and qname fix.
updateadding getCurrentElementSchemaType in Validator for finding schema types of elements with xsi:type attribute
updateadding ValidatingInfoXMLStreamReader for PSVI access on XMLStreamReaders
updateadded Location to streaming validation errors
updateInstance 2 schema tool
updateSupport for arbitrarily nesting <xsd:redefine>s
updateNew "schema bookmark" mechanism allowing one to tag user data on Schema Object Model entities
updateAdd ability for XmlSaxHandler to insert bookmarks while loading
updateAdded a diff utility that compares two jars (or directories) containing compiled Schema types
updateInterface and pre-post extensions
updateEnabled ValidatingXMLStreamReader to start validating from both current and next event in the XMLStreamReader
updateFunctionality to retrieve xml validation errors programatically
updateAdded saver options to not save xml decl
updateAdded ability to compile Schemas containing references to SOAP11 encoded arrays
updateselectChildren and selectAttributes for dynamic getters and some wildcard scenarios
updateLocation in ValidatingXmlStreamReader
updateAdded a wrapper over jsr173's XMLStreamReader
updateAdded support for default value in XMLStreamReaderExt interface and implementation
updateAdding typed value for QName case in the Validator
updateAdding an utility for validation of simple schema types
updateImproved the Validator to ofer PSVI info
updateExposed some of the XMLSchema validator functionality in the public interfaces
updateAdded support for XML Catalog, based on Apache Commons CatalogResolver
updateAdded XMLStreamReaderExt an extention of XMLStreamReader which alowes getting strongly typed java values from a stream
updateAdds support for annotations in XMLSchema
updateAdded JSR 173 support
updateperformance tests
updatevarious feature tests
updatesamples and documentation
updatepackaging, licencing changes